BiH will receive 40 million Euros


Dnevni avaz: Bosnia and Herzegovina will receive 40 million Euros of the intervention assistance of the European Commission for overcoming the consequences of financial and economic crisis, has been said yesterday for "Dnevni avaz" by Dimitris Kourkoulas, head of the European Commission Delegation in Sarajevo. He has denied the information which has been said yesterday […]

Disabled have invaded the session


Nezavisne novine: Around three hundreds disabled persons has yesterday invaded the session of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of the FBiH, after the representatives have adopted the law by which between 40.000 and 100.000 persons with disability are being erased from the right on disability allowance. When disabled have pushed away the policemen […]

However, Monday is a day off


After the publicity has previously been notified that Monday, 2nd of March, 2009. is a working day, new announcement has arrived. "By having in mind that by the Law on pronouncing the 1st of May as the Independence Day of Bosnia and Herzegovina ("Official Gazette of BiH", No. 9/95) it has been determined that the […]

Civil servants out of the entity laws?


Dnevni avaz: The civil servants, who work in the institutions of BiH, could soon be exempted from the entity laws on the income tax, has been said for "Avaz" by Deputy Minister of Finance of BiH, Fuad Kasumović, who has yesterday held a meeting with the representatives of the ministries of finance of the FBiH […]

Still without the agreement on Topčagić’s successor


Nezavisne novine: The deadline for nominating the candidate for director of the Directorate for European Integrations of BiH expires today, but the parliamentary majorities still have not reached the agreement which nation will this function belong to. Bakir Izetbegović, chairman of the Socio-Democratic Action, has said that there were no inter-party conversations on the chief […]

In March the EC experts in BiH


Oslobođenje: The missions of the European Commission will arrive to BiH in March, in order to do the analysis related to fulfilling the conditions from the map of path for abolishing the visas for citizens of BiH, has been confirmed in the European Commission Delegation in BiH. The goal of these visits is that the […]

External debt of BiH has reached 4.2 billion KM


Dnevni list: The external debt of BiH, concluding with the end of 2008., was 4.2 billion KM, has been notified from the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of BiH. External debt of the Federation of BiH is around 2.7 billion KM, 1.45 billion KM of the Republic of Srpska, and around eight million KM of […]

Nine thousands workers left without job


Dnevni list: Last several months, or since the beginning of the world economic crisis, around 9000 workers in the Federation have been left without job, has been confirmed from the cantonal employment services. As it has been agreed in all ten cantonal services, it is pity that the tendency of growth of unemployed increases, and […]

They get onto debt in order to pay off the debt


Nezavisne novine: The unpaid budget obligations from last year the Government of the FBiH will cover by the credit from commercial banks, which it plans to realize by the end of the first quarter of this year, has been announced by the prime minister, of the FBiH, Nedžad Branković. "The debt which has been entered […]

Part of free reserves could be used


Dnevni avaz: The decision on using the free exchange reserves of the Central bank of BiH can be adopted only by the Presidency of BiH, by taking into account that the monetary stability remains preserved and needed law changes adopted, has been said yesterday for "Dnevni avaz" by Kemal Kozarić, governor of the CBBiH.   […]

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