Project “Transposing EU Legislation in the Legal System of BiH” implemented


The project "Transposing EU Legislation in the Legal System of BiH" has been finalized today. At the final conference, held in the hotel "Europe" in Sarajevo, experts of the ZAMM media CONSULTING d.o.o. Company, which has implemented this project, have presented the progress, results and significance of this project at all government levels in BiH. […]

“Europe for Citizens” Programme presented


In organization of the Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency – SERDA, the Ministry of Justice of BiH and the TACSO project, on February 28, 2012 held has been an info day on possibilities of participating in the "Europe for Citizens" program. For several years, SERDA has been working on strengthening its own capacities and the […]

The Government of the FBiH: Bologna graduates can apply for jobs in civil service


At the 38th session of the Government of the Federation of BiH, held yesterday, one of the items of the agenda was related to the change of the Regulation on the Affairs of the Basic Activity from the Competency of the Civil Service Body, according to which the persons who have attained the education of […]

POINT conference – “Open Government Data – Helping or Threathening Governments?”


In the period from February 16 to February 18, 2012, Sarajevo has been a host of the POINT conference on new technologies, political accountability and the ICT usage in work of public institutions and organizations of civil society. The conference has been organized by the Association of citizens "Zašto ne", in cooperation with the CRTA […]

Session of the PARF JMB


The twenty fifth session of the Public Administration Reform Fund Joint Management Board, previously planned to be held on February 13, 2012 in Banja Luka, has been postponed due to unfavorable weather conditions. The session will be held on February 17, 2012, starting at 12:00 o’clock in the Administrative centre of the Government of the […]

EUROPE: Entry into the European Union is at hand for Bosnia and Herzegovina


TROUW (translation): When will Bosnia and Herzegovina enter the European Union? That perspective, only few months ago, was so far and that question was very hard and serious. But now, this country, fifteen months after the elections, finally has the State government and can dare to dream about progress. New Prime minister of BiH, Vjekoslav […]

Obliged resignations as a result of audit assessments in BiH


Večernji list: Negative audit assessments of financial business of the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina should no longer remain without consequences. By the legislation reform in the area of financing public institutions, stipulated has been that a manager of BiH institution which has received a negative assessment in the annual report of the Audit Office […]

Memorandum of Understanding between CB BiH and GIZ signed


Representatives of the Central Bank of BiH and the Program of Strengthening Public Institutions/GIZ-SPI have signed the Memorandum on Understanding today in Sarajevo. This Memorandum defines the forms of technical assistance to the Central Bank. The GIZ-SPI assistance to the Central Bank of BiH can be in a form of consultancy services offered by international […]

Support from Parliamentarians necessary for changes of the Legislative Drafting Rules


Jahorina – Drafting of law proposals and law explanations, as well as analyses of them, is the topic of a training organized by the USAID in the period from January 31 to February 4, 2012, for representatives of government institutions in BiH and the FBiH at Jahorina. The workshop has been attended by representatives of […]

Application of electronic signature remains pending


Nezavisne novine: The citizens of the RS will still remain in rows in front of the offices and desks of the republic and municipal institutions waiting for the birth, death and citizenship certificates and other documents to be issued because the electronic signature application has not started yet. This has been confirmed by the fact […]

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