4.5 million euros for Public Administration Reform


SARAJEVO – Public Administration Reform Fund in BiH was established yesterday, which enabled usage of 4.5 million euros of donor resources for implementation of reform measures in this area. Establishment of the Fund was preceded by signing of the Memorandum of Understanding and the Common Platform on principles and manner of implementation of the Action […]

PAR Strategic documents signed


Signed Memorandum of Undestanding on establishment of PAR Fund and Common Platform on Pricimples and Implementation of PAR Strategy Action Plan 1. Prime ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Federation of BiH, Republic of Srpska, Brcko District Mayor, Minister of finances of BiH, Ambassadors of the Donor countries – Great Britain, Netherlands and Sweden, and Chief […]

MoU and CP signing – speech of Head of EC delegation


Speech of Dimitris Kourkoulas, Head of EC Delegation in BiH, on the signing of Memorandum of understanding and Common Platform. Respected Excellencies, dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen. On behalf of the European Commission, it is my pleasure and honour to welcome you to this important event. I would like to say a few words on […]

EU Brunch


Public Administration Reform in BiH was the topic of the last EU Brunch, held on July the 6th in the EU Info Center of Municipality Old Town Sarajevo. EU Brunch is a monthly meeting with the press, in the framework of the 'Meet the Europe' Project which is being implemented by Directorate for EU Integrations […]

PAR Conference – Mr. Schwarz-Schilling’s speach


Ladies and Gentlemen, The meetings of the Peace Implementation Council that are taking place today and tomorrow in Sarajevo are extremely important. They are important because they are about the future of this country. They are about the transition from peace implementation to Euro-Atlantic integration. They are about ownership and about responsibility, that is the […]

Seminar on Institutional Communication


The Seminar on the beginning of the implementation of the PAR Strategy Action Plan 1 in the area of Institutional communications, organized by the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, took place in Sarajevo, on June 26th. The participants were the representatives of: Department for informing of the BiH Council of Ministers, FBiH and Brcko District […]

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