Public procument for implementation of the project “Treasury Information System of the Brčko District”


PART I: CONTRACTING AUTHORITY I 1. Contracting authority data Name                                                                     Public Administration Reform Coordinators Office UIN                                                                        4200334950020 Contact person                                                    Mirnesa Mašić Address                                                                 Vrazova 9 Postal code                                                           71000 Sarajevo (bhp) Municipality/City                                                Sarajevo Centar (Sarajevo) Telephone                                                            (033) 565-760 Fax number                                                          (033) 565-761 Email address                                             Website address                                        I 3. Type of the contracting authority, level and […]

Training on Open Government for Civil Servants Held in Sarajevo


Training on open government for civil servants from institutions at the BiH level Transparent, Accountable, and Open was organised 14-15 December 2016 in Sarajevo within the Programme for Strengthening of Public Institutions in BiH, which is implemented by GIZ on behalf of the German Government. The training was implemented in cooperation of GIZ, Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, Ministry […]

Training on Open Government for Civil Servants Held in Sarajevo


Training on open government for civil servants from institutions at the BiH level Transparent, Accountable, and Open was organised 14-15 December 2016 in Sarajevo within the Programme for Strengthening of Public Institutions in BiH, which is implemented by GIZ on behalf of the German Government. The training was implemented in cooperation of GIZ, Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, Ministry […]

The Second Phase of the Programme of Strengthening of Public Institutions in BiH is Completed


Yesterday in Sarajevo, the completion of the second phase of the Programme of Strengthening of Public Institutions in BiH, implemented by the German GIZ, was made official, and the partner in implementation is the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office. The manager of the programme of Strengthening of Public Institutions in BiH, Reinhard Lueke (GIZ), presented […]

Session of the Joint Management Board of the PAR Fund


Session of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund will be held on Wednesday 7 December 2016, starting at 12.00 noon, in the premises of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, Vrazova 9, Sarajevo. For the Session, the following Agenda is proposed: Verification of the Minutes of the 56th Session of the […]

The PARCO is the first ranking institution in proactive data publication


The Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, according to the recent research of fulfilment of the standards of proactive transparency, done by the Centre for social research Analitika, is the first ranking state institution regarding the transparency and publication of information. “The Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office has to be a role model to other institutions, […]

Regional Conference on Quality Management Held: Public Administration Exists for the Benefit of Customers and Citizens


Regional conference “Benefits of Quality Management in Public Administration” that was held in Sarajevo 17-18 November 2016 in organisation of the German GIZ, Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office (PARCO), and the Regional School for Public Administration (ReSPA) resulted in a series of high-quality proposals that will make quality management a simple tool for sustainable quality […]

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