First meeting of the Working Group for the AP


Meeting of the Working group for the Administrative Procedure area PAR Strategy and Action Plan 1 implementation plan: Grouping of the Action Plan 1 measures; Functioning and managing of the PAR Fund Consideration of the activity priorities Those were some of the main topics on the first meeting of the Workibg Group for the area […]

PAR Conference – Brcko


Public Administration Reform Conference – Brcko Distrtict of BiH 10/11th November, 2006 Public Administration Reform Conference, titled "Public Administration Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina – development directions", held on the November the 10th and 11th in Brcko, rounded in the presentation of the previous results and guidelines for future actions. This event gathered significant number […]

BD Supervizor’s speech at the PAR conference


Mr. Gregorian's opening speech at the PAR conference in Brcko. Exellencies, distinguished guests, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, a warm welcome to the Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina. A great pleasure to help open this event and I commend you for choosing to hold it here in Brcko. Since its inception, the District has been […]

Results of the opinion poll about public administration


An opinion poll, initiated by the Office of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator – PARCO in the period from 22 July to 6 August 2006, indicated specific attitudes of the citizens in relation to the public administration reform. The aim was to incorporate the results of the opinion poll on existing public administration into the […]

PARCO takes over legislation base


The institutions and the citizens of Bosnia & Herzegovina will have access to the basic BiH, RS and FB&H legislation, through the Legislation database project. This will increase the transparency and accountability of the public administration in BiH and enable access to existing BiH legal acts translated into English language, through an integrated portal. This […]

Civil service reform


The first Regional Workshop on Civil Service Reform in the Western Balkans was held on 11 – 12 September 2006, in Sarajevo. The group discussions brought up so many common problems of the civil servants in the region. The participants also share most ideas and aspirations regarding the civil service organization and functioning. They were […]

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