To get to know the community of European countries in a virtual world implies hours of exploring of more than 65 million pages, which will be offered to you by Google if you type the term European Union. This is why the intention of this site is to ease the way through a virtual European world and direct you to some of the most significant sites of the European Union.

OFFICIAL SERVER OF THE EUROPEAN UNION – offers an overview of basic information on work of the Union and its institutions. On this page it is possible to find the basic facts on the Union and its policies, documents, calendar of events, news and a list of other information. Access is free, and users can ask questions, to which they will receive answers within 48 hours. They can talk to the high officials of the Union in a frame of debate clubs (chat rooms), for which the topic has usually been previously announced.

EUROPEAN COMMISSION – On this website, there are the programs of work of the EC, action plans, guidelines, white books – proposals adopted at public debate and ready for their further adoption in a form of legal regulations, and different reports.

EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT – contains adopted EU regulations, and other important documents of sites of the EUROPEAN UNION COUNCIL.

EUROPEAN COURT – offers statistical data on number and content of initiated procedures, as well as an overview of cases. There are no texts of old verdicts, but available are the newer verdicts in disputes between the European institutions and their employees, and overviews of verdicts and opinions of the Court since 1996.

EUROPEAN COURT OF AUDITORS – controls the revenues and expenditures of the Union and the allocation of funds from the budget.

COUNCIL OF EUROPE – BiH is a member since April 2002. The most important authorities of the Council are – the COMMITTEE OF MINISTERS, which consists of ministers of foreign affairs of Member States and the PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY.

EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS in Strasburg – on the website are verdicts of this Court as well.

EUROPEAN COMMISSION AGAINST RACISM AND INTOLERANCE offers notifications on efforts of the Council of Europe in its combat against racism and xenophobia.

ECLAS (European Commission Library Automated System) is an electronic catalog of documents from all the areas of the European integrations (official publications and documentations of institutions of the EU, inter-governmental and international organizations, working documentation of institutions, professional magazines and announcements for media, master and doctor works on European integrations). In this database there are publications printed since 1978. Access to the site is free, and each year around seven thousands of new topics are being added to it.

EUR-LEX contains the information on new legal regulations of the EU published in the last 45 days in the Official Journal of the EU with chronological list of available issues and/or a lingual overview of topics, and the topics available from database of the EUDOR. On the website are also cleared texts of establishment contracts, directory of legal regulations of the EU (divided by sectors and policies), information on legislation in preparation, verdicts, opinions, documentation and newer cases of the European Court.

CELEX is the database of legal regulations of the Union – offers an access to the texts of establishment contracts on the EU, legislation of the EU and subjects of the Court of the EU. It also contains opinions and resolutions of the EU institutions and consulting authorities, and common law of the European Court. Documents are available on all official languages, and for an access to database, subscription should be paid.

EUROPEAN COMMUNITY HISTORICAL ARCHIVE – EURHISTAR offers an overview of history of the Union.

EURISTOTE contains academic researches on European integrations.

EUSA (European Union Studies Association) is a network which gathers associations of scientists and researchers from the area of European integrations, and promotes international research programs and cooperation.

MARKET ACCESS DATABASE contains the information on markets of Member States and a manner of solving of trading barriers.

N-LEXportal for access to the national legislation of the member states of the EU

QUOTA is the database on taxes and customs behind which stands the General administration for taxes and customs. There is also a data on quotes for certain products which enter the integral market of the Union, as well as the links to other databases from domain of taxes and customs.

WELCOMEEUROPE is a website on with data on tenders and grants of the EU, as well as public procurements.

OFFICE FOR PUBLICATIONS is an online library in which it is possible to find the works published by the Union. Website can be searched in several ways, for example by a name of the author or topic, and ordered booklet can be received on “paper” or on CD.

AGRANET is a useful website for all interested in news on agriculture, fishing and food production.

EUROPAGES is a website for businessmen, which contains the data on around 900 thousands of companies from 35 European countries.

EUROJOBS is a database which uncovers the possibilities of hiring in Europe, and proposals have been classified by countries.

EMPLOYER NETWORK gathers multi-national companies and deals with development of human resources and working legislation.

EUROCHAMBERS is an association of the European market chambers, and its website offers a list of data on national chambers of Member States of this association.

EFTA is the European Free Trade Association, and CEI – Middle-Europe initiative.

EUROGUIDANCE is a website intended for European citizens who explore possibility of work, studying and learning in other countries. This network promotes mobility and assists its better understanding.

EURODESK is a website which contains more information intended for youth.

EUROPEAN COMMISSION ENLARGEMENT PORTAL answers the questions: By which dynamics will the EU continue its process of enlargement? Which candidates progress faster? What did the previous enlargements of the Union look like? In the section “financial assistance” can be found out more on types and heights of financial assistance to countries in the process of European integrations, in order to assist in implementing of political, economic and institutional reforms.

EU INTEGRATION – contains the information on improving of integrative processes inside the Union.

EUROPEANA is a digital library, which offers more than two million of digital objects. The plan is to ensure by 2010. an access to more than six million digital images, books, archives and films.

MULTILINGUAL EU DICTIONARY offers tons of combinations of translation among languages of the EU.

ALBANIAN INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS has a rich program of research on the Union and its relations to Albania. It publishes a monthly publication “Europa”. Official standpoints, with a lot of information, you will find on the site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of this country.

EUROPEAN INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION – is one more useful link on European administration.

CENTER FOR SUPPORT AND PROMOTION OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATIONS deals with practical aspects of adapting to the standards of the EU and has a main goal – increasing of level of awareness of the EU, the process of European integrations, programs and instruments of the EU, as well as available EU funds, possibilities of applying and other.

еYOU – Internet portal which explains consumer’s rights due to online shopping.