Session of the Fiscal Council held with Delegation of the International Monetary Fund


Ministers failed to reach consensus on the budget for next year. This is concluded at the 20th session of the Fiscal Council of BiH, held in Sarajevo today. It has been jointly decided that the system that regulates current financing situations, ensures the fiscal accountability in 2011 until the adoption of the budget. Members of […]

Adopted Communication Strategy of the Council of Ministers of BiH


The Council of Ministers of BiH adopted the Communication Strategy of the Council of Ministers of BiH and the Action Plan for its implementation for the period 2010 – 2011, in order to improve transparency and accountability in institutional decision making and establish two-way communication with the citizens. Mid-term strategy defined short term and mid-term […]

Study Visit in Croatia and Slovenia


Management and employees of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, as well as entity public administration reform coordinators in BiH, within the study visit organised by the Technical Assistance Team in the period November 8 – 13 this year, have been in Zagreb and Ljubljana where they visited state ministries for administration as well as […]

Monitoring Policy Dialogue


Between 10 and 12 November 2010, the Cidi project – Capacity building of civil society to take part in policy dialogue in Bosnia and Herzegovina  – held its third seminar for issue-based civil society networks, entitled Monitoring Policy Dialogue. The overall objective of the project is to engage BiH civil society in policy dialogue at […]

Opening Regional School for Public Administration


Opening ceremony of the  Regional School for Public Administration ReSPA, will be held on November 11 at 12.00 in Danilovgrad. Ceremony will be attended by Mr. Milo Djukanovic, Prime Minister of Montenegro and Mr.Stefan Fule, Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy. ReSPA was recently established as an international institution with a permanent residence in  […]

Meeting of Supervisory team for Human Resources Management


Meeting of the Supervisory team for the implementation of Action Plan I Public Administration Reform Strategy in B&H for Human Resources Management with the proposed agenda: 1. Adoption of the agenda of the meeting 2. Adoption of the minutes from the previous meeting of Supervisory team for Human Resources Management 3. Information about implemented and […]

Eighteenth session of the PARF JMB has been held


At the session, which has been held in Brčko on Tuesday, November 2, members of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund (PARF JMB) unonimously adopted a decision about about award the contract for the project " Training of civil servants for application of information technologies and work on computers”. The project […]

For continuation of reform is needed stronger pollitical and financial support


Semiha Borovac, the National Coordinator for Public Administration Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina attended the usual meeting of EU ambassadors and speak about up to date reform results and challenges that stands for the Public Administration Reform Coordinator Office. Our dedication is to complete public administration reform process requested by Europeand standrads. This would be […]

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