Budget of BiH bigger by 237 million KM


Nezavisne novine:  The Council of Ministers of BiH has yesterday confirmed the Draft budget of the Institutions of BiH for the next year in a sum of 1.4 billion KM, which is an increase by 237 million KM in relation to this year. Preparations for population census are starting The Council of Ministers has at […]

Agreement on arranging the country is necessary


Nezavisne novine: The agreement on future arrangement of BiH will remove the main obstacles for integration of the country in the EU, has been said yesterday by Miroslav Lajčak, the High Representative and a Special Representative of the EU, at the first session of the Parliament for Europe. "The agreement on arranging the country must […]

New strategy of the EU towards BiH has been given to Špirić


Dnevni avaz: The High Representative in BiH, Miroslav Lajčak and a chief of the European Commission Delegation in BiH, Dimitris Kourkoulas have yesterday delivered the new strategy of the EU towards BiH to the chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH, Nikola Špirić. – The Council of Ministers of BiH will be dedicated to […]

Biometric passports in mid 2009


Nezavisne novine: Issuing the biometric passports could begin in the middle of the next year, has been confirmed by Sredoje Nović, Minister of Civil Affairs of BiH. Nović has said that all the preparations for issuing the biometric passports, have been executed and the tenders implemented. “I expect that these days, if there are some […]

Six clauses for the european future


Oslobođenje: The Council of Ministers of the European Union has at the yesterday’s meeting in Brussels welcomed the new strategy of the EU towards BiH, which has been prepared by the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Politics and Security, Javier Solana, and the European Commissioner for Enlargement, Olli Rehn, and which predicts strengthening […]

Improving the discipline of the tax payers


Oslobođenje: The introduction of the Fiscal counters in the FBiH, and in BiH as a whole, would be of a big significance for the country and for entities as well. This would be a logical step for improvement of discipline of the tax payers because through the introduction of the fiscal counters the realized cash […]

Administration huge, too expensive and not efficient


Nezavisne novine: The reform of the public and local administration in BiH does not give the results because people are still being employed by their party line, and the expenditures and number of employed have been increased, non governmental organizations claim. Ljubiša Marković, former mayor of the Municipality Centar in Sarajevo, claims that the situation […]

On the progress towards the EU, once per month


Nezavisne novine: The Council of Ministers of BiH will once per month deliberate on the progress from the document of the European Partnership, and each three months, the entity prime ministers will participate in those deliberations. This has been said yesterday by Osman Topčagić, director of the Directorate for European Integrations of BiH, by commenting […]

Budget of the state increased by 12% and of the entities by 6%


Nezavisne novine: The Fiscal Council of BiH has confirmed the budget frame for 2009 for the Institutions of BiH, which will be bigger by 12% than the one of this year, or by 100 million KM, while the grasp from the indirect taxes, will be bigger by 8%, has been said by the chairman of […]

Election of the ombudsman has been de-blocked


Oslobođenje: The Joint Commission for agreeing the proposals for nominating the ombudsman for human rights of BiH of the State Parliament has yesterday achieved the solution on election of the candidates for that position from the Bosniak and Croatian nations. So, for the ombudsman from the Bosniak nation, Jasminka Džumhur will be elected, and from […]

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