The Office of the High Representative is getting closed


Dnevni list: The Peace Implementation Council (PIC) could in November 19th adopt the decision on abolishing the position of the international representative for BiH, thoughts are of the High Commissioner of the EU, Olli Rehn and the High Representative of the EU, Javier Solana, has been stated in the letter to the ministers of foreign […]

Solana: EU is worried


Nezavisne novine: Javier Solana, the High Representative for Foreign Politics and Security of the EU, has yesterday in Marseille said that the EU is worried because of the stagnation of activities in BiH in connection with fulfilling the obligations from the process of the European Integrations. Solana has emphasized the need to quicken the reform […]

Citizens invited to prepare the documents


Nezavisne novine: Al the employed citizens in the FBiH should by the end of this year prepare the documents required for calculation of taxes on income and the proofs for confirming the eventual tax returns. This has been said yesterday in Sarajevo at the press conference of the representatives of the Ministry of Finances of […]

Banknotes of 10 and 20 KM with new protection


Dnevni avaz: The Central bank (CB) of BiH will today let in the circulation a new issue of the banknotes of 10 and 20 KM, which has certain differences in comparison to the previous issue of the same denominations from 1998, has been announced from the Public Relations Service of the CBBiH. On the new […]

Job for 38 interns


Nezavisne novine: The Tax Administration of the RS has yesterday received 38 interns whose employment is being financed by the Government and the Employment Agency of the RS, has been confirmed yesterday by Mile Banika, director’s assistant of this institution. Banika has added that 32 economists, and three lawyers and informatics experts will after their […]

Employees in six BiH Institutions had strike


Nezavisne novine: The civil servants and employees in six Institutions of BiH, dissatisfied by certain solutions in the Law on Salaries and Remunerations in the Institutions of BiH, have yesterday held a two-hour warning strike. Neđo Đurđić, president of the Representative Union of the Institutions of BiH, has said that the employed in the Agency […]

Civil servants on strike today


Dnevni list: The civil servants and employees in the institutions of BiH today are going on strike, because it did not come to the agreement of the Union of the Civil Servants and Employees in the Institutions of BiH and the representatives of the Council of Ministers. The presiding of the Union of Civil Servants, […]

Soon – negotiations on dual citizenship


Nezavisne novine: Montenegro will soon with BiH start negotiations on dual citizenship, has been announced from the Montenegro Ministry of Internal Affairs. Svetozar Đurović, secretary of the MIA of Montenegro, has said that the consular consultations have been held in Sarajevo three days ago, and that the question of solving the problem of dual citizenship […]

The oldest servant – 69 years old


Nezavisne novine: According to the registrar of the Civil Service Agency in the FBiH in different federal institutions employed are 60 persons who have on different bases achieved the right on retirement. This has been stated in the answer on the delegate’s question which has been asked by Sandra Redžić, the representative of the BPS […]

Process of the regime without visas goes slower than predicted


Dnevni list: The process of introducing the regime without visas goes slower than predicted because of many conditions which our country must do in order to come to the total abolishment of visas, has been stated by Mijo Krešić, Deputy Minister of Security of BiH. By signing the Stabilization and Association Agreement, our country has […]

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