Brides and bridegrooms will be able to choose the text at their wedding


Dnevni avaz: Yesterday, in the Municipality Centar there has been a meeting with the authors of the most beautiful marriage oaths, which will be a part of the wedding ceremony, and which have been selected at the contest between 52 works, which have arrived from whole BiH. Authors are the students: Sandra Šapina, Elma Alihodžić […]

Control of using personal data of citizens has started


Dnevni avaz: Today, the Personal Data Protection Agency of BiH starts the control of using personal data of citizens in the authorities as are the ministries of internal affairs, master offices and other agencies and institutions. First control will be done in the former CIPS, or the Identification Documents, Data Exchange and Evidence Agency of […]

Dress code: In Municipality of Ilidža grey, in Novi Grad blue uniform required


Dnevni avaz: Even though in all the public institutions there should be a dress code for civil servants, this is not being applied in some municipalities of Sarajevo. This means that it is up to the employees to dress the way they want, which is being respected by majority of them. As we have been […]

Harmonization of laws – blockade on the EU path


Nezavisne novine: One year after signing the Interim Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with the EU the governments in BiH have mostly fulfilled a trading part of this agreement and have abolished or reduced the custom rates, while harmonization of BiH legislation with the EU does not really go by the planned dynamics, has been […]

Radical reduction of salaries in whole FBiH!


Dnevni avaz: Yesterday in Sarajevo, the Government of the FBiH has confirmed the Proposal Intervention Law by urgent procedure and has sent it to the parliamentary procedure. During the stand by arrangement with the International Monetary Fund, it currently arranges the height of salaries and remunerations of employed, who are being financed from the budget […]

EU donates 54 million €


Nezavisne novine: The European Union will as a part of the Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) for 2008 donate around 54 million Euros to BiH. The Council of Ministers of BiH has adopted at the yesterday’s session the Proposal basis for concluding this agreement with the European Commission. "The Agreement relates to non-returnable assistance to BiH in […]

The National Assembly of the RS has adopted the Law on Electronic Business


The National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska has yesterday adopted the Law on Electronic Business of the RS, by which the rules related to concluding the agreements in electronic form are being regulated. This law determines providing services of the information society and responsibility of service providers. By explaining this law to delegates, Minister […]

Two laws for two entities


Oslobođenje: The delegates of the National Assembly of the RS have adopted yesterday the Law on Public-Private Partnership in the RS, in which the subject, principles, manners and forms under which the public-private partnership can be achieved as a form of joining the resources, capital and professional knowledge for building, modifying and maintaining the infrastructure, […]

All receipts in fiscal counter


Oslobođenje: The Draft Law on Fiscal Systems, which has been confirmed at yesterday’s session by the Government of the FBiH, is a part of the fiscal reform inside which the already imposed fiscal instrument (VAT) requires technical equipment of tax payers by fiscal counters; such have been used in the RS for several months already. […]

Replacement of traffic licenses from September


Nezavisne novine: From September this year, the owners of vehicles in BiH will change their traffic licenses, and instead of them they will receive the ownership cards, confirmation on vehicle registration and a sticker on technical compatibility. This has been confirmed yesterday in the Ministry of Transport and Communications of BiH and the Identification Documents, […]

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