Nezavisne novine: The European Union will as a part of the Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) for 2008 donate around 54 million Euros to BiH. The Council of Ministers of BiH has adopted at the yesterday’s session the Proposal basis for concluding this agreement with the European Commission.

"The Agreement relates to non-returnable assistance to BiH in the total amount of 54.254.783 Euros for realization of 21 projects from three areas, as are political and socio-economic requirements, fulfilling the European standards and support to the Institutions of BiH and for participation in the EU programs. Individual contracts should be concluded within two years from signing this Agreement at the latest", has been informed after the session.

The Council of Ministers of BiH has adopted the Report on Budget Execution of BiH for the first three months. The part related to financing the Institutions of BiH has the total of 199.000.000 KM of achieved revenues, and expenditures around 187.000.000 KM.

"BiH regularly serves the obligations, which came from the indirect indebting, so in the first quarter of this year, by that basis 41.22 million KM has been paid, out of which  24.71 million KM relates to paying the basis, and 16.51 million KM for interest rates, service and other expenditures", has been stated in the announcement of the state government.

The Council of Ministers of BiH has adopted the Decision on accepting the Agreement on creating the conditions for establishing the Medicament and Medical Supplies Agency of BiH. The Agreement regulates the mutual rights and obligations between the Council of Ministers of BiH, the Government of the RS and the Government of the FBiH in a sense of creating the conditions for establishing this agency.

"In accordance to this Agreement, the Medicament and Medical Supplies Agency of BiH is obligated to overtake the employees from the Medicament Agency of the RS, the Institute for medicament control of the FBiH and the Sector for pharmacy of the Ministry of Health Care of the FBiH, as the institutions, which will stop working", has been stated in the announcement.

The Council of Ministers of BiH has supported the Report on realization of obligations from the "Map of path" for liberalization of visa regime for citizens until May 15, 2009. It has been concluded that this report becomes amended by obligations, which have been fulfilled until yesterday’s session of the state government, and delivered to the Parliament of BiH.