How to change public administration – Better services for less money


The reform of public administration in BiH is carried out by “invisible and even more often slow steps”… “There has been progress in the public administration reform through the implementation of earlier strategic measures, but the key aspects of the reform – its depoliticization and professionalization, organizational and functional restructuring, establishment of accountability mechanisms and […]

A two-day dialogue was held on strengthening the regional cooperation of the countries of the Western Balkan in the field of transparency and responsibility


The topic of transparency and opening of data of public interest within the framework of the international initiative Partnership for Open Government, at 13th and 14th October 2022, brought together representatives of the countries of Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans in Rome. The two-day dialogue on the opening of public administration institutions to citizens […]

To more efficient and effective work by introducing CAF


PARCO continues to provide support to public administration institutions in improving their work. Namely, in the previous two days, employees of PARCO provided professional support through training for employees of the Office for Legislation in the application of the Common Assessment Framework tool – CAF 2020. We remind you that this is a European quality […]

Report of the European Commission: “BiH achieved limited progress in public administration reform”


“Bosnia and Herzegovina is at an early stage and made limited progress in public administration reform. However, 4 years after adoption, implementation of the PAR action plan is lagging behind particularly on building a professional civil service capable of effectively delivering services to citizens and businesses”, European Commission’s Report stated. European Commission states that civil […]

Public consultations: proposal for the Rules of Procedure on amendments to the Rules of Procedure regarding the internal organization and systematization of the Chairman’s Office of the Council of Ministers of BiH


The e-consultation portal published a proposal for the Rules of Procedure on amendments to the Rules of Procedure regarding the internal organization and systematization of the Chairman’s Office of the Council of Ministers of BiH. The process of public consultations will be conducted in the period from October 4, until October 19, 2022, through the […]

Consent was reached for the preparation of a report on the implementation of public administration reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina


Dragan Ćuzulan, the coordinator for public administration reform and the coordinators for public administration reform of the governments of Republika Srpska, the Federation of BiH and Brčko District of BiH: Aleksandar Šuvak, Enver Išerić and Davor Šolaja reached an agreement at today’s online meeting regarding the start of the preparation of a report on the […]

In the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, amendments to the Law on Administrative Procedure are adopted


In accordance with the reform documents of the PARCO in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the modernization of the administrative procedure in Bosnia and Herzegovina continues towards “the central basis for ensuring the efficiency, effectiveness and predictability of public administration in the provision of public services”. In the Law on Amendments to the Law on Administrative Procedure […]

A representative of PARCO is participating in an international conference on quality management in Albania


Improvement of public administration and public services through the introduction of quality management instruments in public administration institutions is perceived as one of the key prerequisites for the sustainability of public administration reform and better performance of public administration. The use of these instruments, i.e. models, tools and standards in modern public administration is an […]

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