By literacy – BiH at bottom of the EU scale


Almost 20% of illiterate citizens put Bosnians and Herzegovinians into the worst literate in Europe. There should also be mentioned an enormously high percentage of abstinences from attending the school, even the obligated elementary education. Additional stressing circumstance is not sending of female children to schools, which is mostly present in rural locations. Catastrophic results […]

Commission for civil property census


Nezavisne novine: The Council of Ministers of BiH has yesterday established a working group for civil property census, which should start working by the end of this month. "Working group will have 13 members and decisions will be adopted by consensus. State institutions, institutions of entities and of the Brčko District will nominate their representatives […]

Private agencies for mediation in employment


The Federal Ministry of Work and Social Policy has proposed, and the Government of the FBiH, in continuation of the 97th session in Mostar, adopted the Regulation on private agencies for mediation in employment. The agencies, to which the license for work has been given by the Federal Ministry of Work and Social Policy, besides […]

Candidacy of BiH supported by 67 countries


Dnevni avaz: The candidacy of BiH for a non-permanent member of the Security Council of the UN has by now been supported by 67 countries, and by the end of this month written support is expected from 11 countries more, has been stated in information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of BiH, which has […]

Early fruits and vegetables full of dangerous pesticides


Dnevni avaz: The Association of consumers more often warn citizens that the fruits and vegetables, which are being sold at open markets out of season, contain huge quantities of pesticides. In Croatia, with imported strawberries and apples there have been found several types of pesticides, out of which some are forbidden. – Everyone needs to […]

Up to five years in prison for the attacks on journalists


The House of Representatives of the Parliament of the FBiH has yesterday accepted the Draft law on amendment of the Criminal Code, which has been sent to parliamentary procedure by Vesna Saradžić, deputy chairman of the House from SDU. 31 delegates have voted for this solution, two were against it, and 28 reserved.    Saradžić […]

New increase of salaries of parliamentarians


Dnevni avaz: Salaries of the state parliamentarians in 2009. will be increased again. Even though the coefficients have remained the same in relation to the previous year (8.7, 8.5, 8.4), considering the growth of salaries in BiH, it will come to an increase of base (80% on average) from previous 498 to 535 KM. So, […]

Website of the RS Government half-empty


Nezavisne novine: On the website of the Government of the Republic of Srpska some ministries have published almost nothing on what they did, which is a key goal of official websites of institutions. It is stipulated for website visitors to find under the link "Activities of ministries" data related to activities and projects of ministries. […]

House of Representatives has adopted the Proposal changes and amendments of budget


Dnevni list: The House of Representatives of the Parliament of the FBiH has yesterday adopted the Proposal changes and amendments of budget of the FBiH for 2009., the Proposal law on changes and amendments to the Law on debt, indebtedness and warranties in the FBiH. Mentioned proposal changes and amendments of federal budget for 2009. […]

Hatred by internet penalized by nobody


Nezavisne novine:  For spreading out inappropriate content by the internet sites in BiH, as are invitations to assault, hatred, war, intolerance, nobody gets penalized, even though BiH is a signatory of the International convention on cyber crime. From the Regulatory Communication Agency (RAK) they have said that a question of regulating of content, by including […]

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