Dnevni avaz: The Association of consumers more often warn citizens that the fruits and vegetables, which are being sold at open markets out of season, contain huge quantities of pesticides. In Croatia, with imported strawberries and apples there have been found several types of pesticides, out of which some are forbidden.

– Everyone needs to be clear that the strawberries and tomatoes, which are huge and perfectly red, cannot be raised without things for quickened growing, pesticides, and they are probably genetically modified. Monitoring of market in BiH is weak and the institutions which should be controlling what is being imported and what we eat, do not do their job – has been said for our paper by Mesud Lakota, secretary of the Association for protection of interests of consumers of canton Sarajevo.  

One more warning on presence of pesticides in fruits and vegetables is being sent by Professor Amela Peljto from the Institute for protection of vegetation and groceries of the Faculty for agriculture and nutrition in Sarajevo.  

– Pesticides are toxins which can cause different changes in organism, by going from irritation of skin and eyes to the worst forms of toxicity as are cancer and damage of the unborn child. Pesticides in small quantities are not poisonous, but there is a possibility of accumulating in organism – Peljto has explained.  

She points out that the Organization for protection of health of vegetation and the Agency for food safeness of BiH, are the first ones to blame for such situation.

– They were supposed to adopt the rulebooks, harmonized with those in the European Union, but as far as I know, they have not done it yet – Peljto has said.