The Law on Conflict of Interests has been adopted


Oslobođenje: After a short discussion of the House of Peoples of the Parliament of the FBiH, the Law on Conflict of Interests in the government authorities, without the amendments, has been adopted yesterday. The Law has been adopted in the same text in which it has been accepted on October 14th by the House of […]

Insurance of the deposit up to 20.000 KM


Dnevni list: The Council of Ministers of BiH has confirmed the Proposal of the Law on Changes and Amendments of the Law on Insurance of Deposits in Banks of BiH, by which the rate of the ensured deposit in banks has been increased for citizens from 7500 to 20.000 KM. This proposal will be sent […]

Payments for work of several commissions have been approved


Nezavisne novine: The Council of Ministers of BiH has yesterday after ten months approved the payment of remunerations for work in the commissions for taking the professional and jurisdictional exams. In the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of BiH it has been confirmed that in this year to neither of the members of these commissions […]

Contracts on hiring 24 interns have been signed


Nezavisne novine: Anto Gajić, the director of the Mine and the Termal-plant (RiTE) Ugljevik, has signed the contracts with 20 interns of different professions, who have mostly finished the social science faculties. “I think that this is a big assistance to young people, who are struggling while finding jobs and we will strive for them […]

SAA has been ratified


Dnevni avaz: In the Parliament of BiH they do not believe that the situation from the yesterday’s session of the House of Representatives will be repeated, when the whole agenda has received the absolute support of all delegates. The truth, ratification of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with the European Union was the only […]

Green light to the SAA


Oslobođenje: The Commission for Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of BiH at the yesterday’s session has given a positive report for implementation of the ratification of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) between the European Community and their countries members and Bosnia and Herzegovina. As the presiding of the Commission, […]

Republic of Srpska has finished the first Guillotine of regulations


Dnevni list: The Government of the Republic of Srpska is the first one on the Balkans to realize the project Guillotine of regulations, has been pointed out during the regional conference dedicated to the reform of the business integration in the countries of South-East Europe, which has been finished yesterday in Podgorica. Soon – official […]

2009 is a key year for the region


Dnevni avaz: The next year will be a key year for the future of the whole region and BiH, has been said yesterday for "Dnevni avaz" by Hidajet Biščević, Secretary General of the Regional Council for Cooperation (RCC), after the meeting with the Commissioner of the European Union, Olli Rehn in Brussels. Biščević has yesterday […]

Action plan of the Partnership for BiH is late


Oslobođenje: The governments of BiH can in the next month expect from Brussels barely a positive grade of the progress of our country towards the European Union, claims the chairman of the Commission for European Integrations of the Parliament of BiH, Halid Genjac. The European Commission will, as it has been announced, within recording the […]

Living standards will fall down


Dnevni avaz: The EU and the US are going into recession, which could reflect on BiH as well, because almost 60% of export from our country to the EU says in conversation for "Dnevni avaz", main economist of the World’s Bank (WB) for BiH, Orhan Nikšić. He says that the fall of industrial production and […]

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