Confirmed composition of the Council of Ministers and the budget adopted


Dnevni avaz: The House of Representatives of BiH confirmed yesterday the appointment of the new – old composition of the Council of Ministers of BiH. That, after more than three months of technical mandate caused by resignation of the Chairman Nikola Špirić, provided that this institution continues to work in full capacity. Against the appointment […]

440 million Euros for reforms


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – BiH will receive from the European Commission by 2011 440 million Euros from the pre-accession funds, so it could implement the necessary reforms in different areas for association with the European integrations. This was pointed out yesterday, after signing the Framework agreement on the rules of cooperation within the Instrument for […]

More money for return


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – The Commission for finances and budget of the House of Representatives of the BH parliament gave yesterday positive opinion on the budget of the state institutions and international obligations of BiH for this year, ammounting 1.186 billion KM. Sadik Bahtić, chairman of this Commission, said that he expects the budget and […]

BiH will have a budget next week


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – House of Representatives of the BiH Parliament should next week adopt the budget amounting around 1.186 billion KM, was confirmed yesterday by the representatives of the largest parliamentary parties. “On Wednesday, we adopted the budget in first reading, as well as the conclusion that its final version shall not exceed the […]

Majority of PMs for decrease


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – Majority of BiH PMs agreed that the BiH budget for this year should not exceed 1.186 billion KM, which is around 45 million KM less than proposed to the Parliament by the Presidency of BiH. This is a result of a several hour discussion at the yesterday’s session of the House […]

The Principles of the Draft Budget Adopted


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – Parliamentary Commission for Finances and Budget supported yesterday the budget for this year in first reading, amounting around 1.2 billion KM. This was confirmed after the session Sadik Bahtić, the chairman of thos Commission. “We supported the Draft Law on Budget of BiH in first reading. So, we accepted the principles […]

On Wednesday, confirmation of the ministers and deputies


Dnevni avaz: Chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH, Nikola Špirić, yesterday submitted to the Parliament the request for scheduling the session of the House of Representatives, so the ministers and deputy ministers in the Council of Ministers could be confirmed. Before the Parliament, the candidates have to pass the checks in front of […]

Again without the agreement on the State Budget


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – The heads of caucuses of the six position parties in the BiH parliament and the minister of finances of BiH could not yesterday harmonize the draft BiH budget. This was confirmed by the party representatives. “The meeting was ended without the results. We cannot support the Draft sent by the Presidency […]

On budget of BiH, on February 13


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – Dragan Vrankić, the Minister of Finance and Treasury of BiH, started yesterday talks with the representatives of both houses of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH on the Proposal of the Budget for 2008, which is already in the parliamentary procedure. Beriz Belkić, deputy chairman of the House of Representatives of the […]

Moving in the restored building in the centre


Dnevni avaz: SARAJEVO – In the former Executive Council building, today the building of Greco-Bosnian friendship, there will be six state ministries, the Council for Regional Cooperation and the Directorate for European Integrations. Also, three offices will belong to the Embassy of Greece, the country which gave most of the money for restoration of this […]

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