Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – Majority of BiH PMs agreed that the BiH budget for this year should not exceed 1.186 billion KM, which is around 45 million KM less than proposed to the Parliament by the Presidency of BiH.

This is a result of a several hour discussion at the yesterday’s session of the House of Representatives of the BiH Parliament. State MPs, at the time of conclusion of this edition of “Nezavisne”, have not declared themselves on the budget in the first reading.

“The Parliamentary Commission for finances and representatives of the ministries in charge should correct by amendments the proposed budget, whose framework should amount to 1.186.357.560 KM. The structure of expenditures of this budget should respect the proposals of the Presidency of BiH, and the ministries in charge”, said Bajazit  Jašarević, the representative of the SDA, which proposed the conclusion on decrease of the proposed budget.

Drago Kalabić, the chairman of the SNSD Caucus, declared that these conclusions of the SDA remove the majority of reasons because of which the Serb member of the Presidency of BiH was against the proposed budget amounting around 1.2 billion KM. His party colleague, Lazar Prodanović, said that the proposal made by the Chairman of the Presidency of BiH, Željko Komšić, is not realistic, because the budget exceeds the framework of long term planning of expenditure in BiH. The MPs from the Party for BiH supported the proposal of the Presidency of BiH, with clarification that they can accept its decrease by around ten million KM.