Agreement for better services to citizens


Nezavisne novine: BANJALUKA – Zoran Lipovac, Minister of Administration and Local Self Governance of the Republic of Srpska, signed yesterday in the name of the Republic of Srpska special agreement between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Sweden, after the Government of the Republic of Srpska adopted the information on the draft of this agreement and the […]

BiH expects 74 million Euros from the EU


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – The Council of Ministers of BiH adopted and sent in the headquarters of the European Commission in Brussels the list of project ideas which will be financed from the assets of the pre-accession assistance of the EU (IPA) for 2008, confirmed yesterday Osman Topčagić, director of the Directorate for European Integrations. […]

Higher salaries to civil servants


Dnevni avaz: House of Representatives of BiH Commission for Finances and Budget, yesterday, with small corrections, adopted the Proposal of the Law on Salaries, which stipulates increase in incomes of the employees of the institutions of BiH. Members did not adopt the proposal for increase of the lowest salaries to the police and army, except […]

For CIPS 250.000 Euros


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – The European Union provided 250.000 Euros for the project “Capacity Strengthening of the Directorate for Implementation of the CIPS project”. Siniša Macan, director of the Directorate for Implementation of the CIPS project of BiH, pointed out that realisation of this project, which was promoted yesterday in Sarajevo, will contribute to expert […]

In the Assembly two seats for national minorities as well


Dnevni avaz: Supervisor for Brčko, Raffi Gregorian, issued an order by which changes of the Statutes of the Brčko District were made for the purpose of improvement of effectiveness and functionality of the Assembly of the District. By the same order, the Supervisor enacted the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly, as well as the […]

The Law on Development Bank of the FBiH adopted


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – The House of Representatives of the Parliament of the FBiH yesterday adopted the Law on Development Bank of the FBiH, which should, in the future own the capital of the present Investment Bank of the FBiH, enlarged by 400 million KM which will be provided by the Government of the Federation. […]

The OHR asked for postponement of declaration on the Law on Civil Servants


Dnevni avaz: The House of Representatives of the Parliament of the FBiH yesterday removed from the agenda the draft Law on Civil Servants in the FBiH. As “Dnevni avaz” found out, the OHR sent a letter to the Collegium of the House of Representatives, asking that MPs do not declare on this legal solution. This […]

Public administration reform in front of turning point


SAN: While in the Public Administration Reform Office of the BiH they wait for the Council of Ministers to adopt the report, system which is being advocated for might lead to problems, because the parties want to control everything. Public administration reform, which is one of the conditions of the BiH road to the EU, […]

Salaries were increasing for the ministers


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – In the last three convocations of the Council of Ministers of BiH the salaries were increased only for ministers, deputies and managing civil servants, while other employees did not have similar privileges. According to data of the Secretariat General of the Council of Ministers of BiH, salaries were significantly increased in […]

Common system of registration finished


Dnevni avaz: The Government of the USA, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), announced that the new draft Law on Common System of Registration, Control and Payment of Provisions for Social Insurance in the Federation of BIH is harmonized and ready for further procedure of adoption, announced the USAID in BiH. Present […]

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