Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – In the last three convocations of the Council of Ministers of BiH the salaries were increased only for ministers, deputies and managing civil servants, while other employees did not have similar privileges.

According to data of the Secretariat General of the Council of Ministers of BiH, salaries were significantly increased in December 2002 at the end of mandate of the ruling alliance and only for the ministers, deputies and secretaries.

According to the Decision of the Council of Ministers from December 9, 2002, quotient of the salary of the Chairperson was increased from six to 8.70, while the quotient for the salary of the minister was increased from 5.70 to 8.50, and for the deputy ministers, quotient was increased from 5.40 to 8.40. Interestingly enough, to managing officers appointed by the Council of Ministers the quotient was not increased, and mild increase in salaries had heads of services, from 3.80 to 4.20 maximum.

This disaccord existed even before adoption of this decision, because the Council of Ministers, since June 1st, 2001, approved to the ministers and deputies additional payment of 800 KM every month, which was treated as separate part of the net salary.

Before decision from 2002, the salary of the chairperson was 1.295 KM without work experience provision, while the ministers had salaries of 1.250 KM, and deputies of 1.220 KM. The basis for the salary is 240 KM, which is being multiplied by quotient, with 0.5 per cent for every year of work experience and the hot meal provision.

Anto Domazet, former Minister of Finances and Treasury of BiH, yesterday said that he was on a business trip, so he was not able to clarify why the alliance at the end of mandate this drastically increased the salaries of the ministers and deputies, and whether it had something to do with the decision at that time on payments to former officials in the period of six months after.

Since Decision from December 2002 salaries were not increased. New Law, which stipulates that quotients will increase for the chairperson and their deputies, also stipulates that quotients for the ministers will remain the same, and for the deputies they will be decreased. Increase in salaries can be expected by the members of the Presidency and MPs, and salary grades for the civil servants stipulate mainly lower quotients.

Terzić “took care” of the managing officers

Former convocation of the Council of Ministers of BiH, chaired by Adnan Terzić, adopted seven decisions on increase of salaries of the managing civil servants, and advisors of the officials. Quotient for salaries was increased for secretaries with special task, attorneys and their deputies, members of the Board of Appeals, deputies of the director of the Statistics Agency of BiH, and the director of the Service for Joint Affairs and their deputies, as well as for the director of the Directorate for European Integrations. Their quotients were increased from 4.80 to 5.50 to 7.50.

Action of the Youth Forum of the SDP BiH

The Youth Forum of the SDP BiH started campaign against adoption of the law on salaries in institutions of BiH, primarily because of unfairly high salaries foreseen for the MPs. Kemal Beganović, president of the Youth Forum of the SDP-a, said that they made analyzes on the basis of the Law proposal and current state of affairs, and not on the basis of previous decisions on increase of salaries.

“MPs should have salaries in the rank of ministers, and all should take care of army of unemployed in BiH. We made analysis of the state of affairs in the region and ratio of their salaries. We did no analyse the salaries of the civil servants”, said Beganović.