The Ministry of Civil Affairs was the first ministry in BiH to receive the ‘CAF Effective User’ certificate


Representatives of the Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA), which also includes the Regional Quality Management Center (RQMC), decided to award the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the “CAF Effective User” certificate. This certificate confirms that the work processes and results of the Ministry’s activities are based on the principles of […]

Continuation of CAF implementation in Orašje


In the previous two days, the project of municipal environmental management in Bosnia and Herzegovina (MEG2), implemented by UNDP, organized a two-day workshop for improving the work of public administration using the CAF quality management tool in the city of Orašje. On this occasion, employees of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, Kenan Avdagić and […]

Deputy coordinator Amira Mašović participated in the conference “Localization of the work result measurement system”


Deputy Coordinator for Public Administration Reform, Amira Mašović, participated in the conference entitled “Localization of the Work Results Measurement System”, which was held today in Sarajevo. Mašović emphasized that the public administration reform, which is being carried out in Bosnia and Herzegovina, foresees the introduction of the quality management system in the public sector (CAF). […]

CAF was presented in Orašje, Gračanica and Žepče


In the previous two days, representatives of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, Miroslav Zeković and Kenan Avdagić, in cooperation with representatives of the UNDP Municipal Environmental Management Project, presented a tool for quality management in public administration, the Common Self-Assessment Framework (CAF), in Orašje, Gračanica and Žepče. Namely, in the previous period, this tool […]

Experiences of Bosnia and Herzegovina on CAF presented in Novi Sad


The representative of PARCO, Kenan Avdagić, participated today in Novi Sad at the event “Open days for CAF in Serbia”. Namely, in the organization of the Regional School for Public Administration (ReSPA) and the Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Government of the Republika Serbia, an event was organized that brought together international and regional […]

The revision of the process for delivering the CAF label has begun


A representative of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office participated in the first of several workshops for the revision of the feedback process for delivering the CAF label in public administration. Namely, this designation is awarded to organizations that have successfully implemented the European quality management tool CAF 2020 (Common Assessment Framework 2020) and that […]

Report on self-assessment of the organization according to the CAF model is presented


Yesterday, members of the working group for the implementation of the CAF model in PARCO, presented to the management of the institution the Report on the self-assessment of the organization according to this European model for quality management. Namely, in cooperation with the Regional School for Public Administration (ReSPA) and the Institute for Public Administration […]

Aspiration towards Quality – a new cycle of the CAF self – assessment at Public Administration Reform Coordinator’ Office started


The Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office has started implementing the third cycle of self -assessment by the CAF 2020 model. Namely, with the help of the Regional School of Public Administration (ReSpa) and the Center for Public Policy Research – KDZ Austria, employees of PARCO will be supported on their way to improving the work […]

The Office for Legislation developed an Action Plan based on the CAF model


The Office for Legislation of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina completed its Action Plan for the improvement of the institution in the previous days. Namely, as the final part of the CAF (Common Assessment Framework) process, a workshop was held to prioritize activities and to create an Action Plan. Employees of the […]

A new CAF implementation workshop was held in the Office for Legislation


The Office for Legislation of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina continued its path towards a more efficient and effective organization. Namely, this organization has started its second cycle of implementation of the CAF model, and it is supported by the employees of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office. In the previous two […]

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