Agreement for ratification of the SAA


Dnevni list: The House of Peoples of the State Parliament has accepted the conclusions related to fulfilling the obligations from the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA). According to one of the conclusions, the Parliament obligates the Council of Ministers of BiH to deliver to the House of Representatives and the House of Peoples for deliberation, […]

Around 50 million Euros has been blocked


Nezavisne novine: The Management Board of the Indirect Taxation Authority of BiH has not yet deliberated the possibility of abolishing the VAT on funds from the Pre-Accession Assistance of the EU to our country. Abolishing the VAT on approved assistance has been asked by the European Commission, which has stopped realization of the projects for […]

From January – remuneration of the income tax


Dnevni list: From January 1st 2009 in the Federation begins the application of the Law on income tax by which in a simple way the income will be taxed by the tax rate of 10%. By the Law on income tax a minimum non taxable income has been prescribed – income of 300 per month, […]

For economic development – 11 million Euros


Dnevni list: The European Commission intends to contribute next year around 11 million Euros for support to the regional economic development in BiH, has been stated by the chief of the Department for Economic Reform of the European Commission in BiH, Johan Hesse, during the visit to the Sarajevo Regional Development Agency (SRRA). Those funds […]

Revenues from customs significantly reduced


Dnevni avaz: The revenues on the basis of collected customs on import of commodity from the countries of the European Union, in July, August and September are smaller by 23% when comparing them to the same period last year, has been announced to Fena by the spokesperson of the Administration for Indirect Taxation of BiH, […]

The Law on Conflict of Interests has been adopted


Oslobođenje: After a short discussion of the House of Peoples of the Parliament of the FBiH, the Law on Conflict of Interests in the government authorities, without the amendments, has been adopted yesterday. The Law has been adopted in the same text in which it has been accepted on October 14th by the House of […]

Strike in the institutions on November 3rd?


Oslobođenje: If the team which has been formed by the Council of Ministers of BiH does not fulfill the demands of the Representative Union of the institutions of BiH, on November 3rd will begin a strike of the employed in the state institutions in which the members of the Agency for Investigation and Protection of […]

Europe is far away


Oslobođenje: The first biometric passports to the citizens of BiH will be issued at the beginning of 2010, has been announced by Siniša Macan, director of the Agency for Identification Documents, Records and Data Exchange of BiH. According to him, during 2009 the employees of the Agency will establish the procedures for creation of travel […]

The Election Law in Brčko has been changed


Oslobođenje: the Supervisor for Brčko, Raffi Gregorian has yesterday issued the instructions by which the Law on Conflict of Interests in the Institutions of the District of Brčko and amendments to the Election Law of the District of Brčko have been adopted, reports Fena. In the second instruction of the supervisor, he has brought changes […]

Insurance of the deposit up to 20.000 KM


Dnevni list: The Council of Ministers of BiH has confirmed the Proposal of the Law on Changes and Amendments of the Law on Insurance of Deposits in Banks of BiH, by which the rate of the ensured deposit in banks has been increased for citizens from 7500 to 20.000 KM. This proposal will be sent […]

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