Average expenditure 1.541 KM


Nezavisne novine: The residential household in BiH during 2007 has been spending around 1.541 KM per month, has been notified by Zdenko Milinović, director of the Agency for Statistics of BiH. “The sum is different in different geographic regions and it is around 1.318 KM in the District of Brčko, over 1.364 KM in the […]

Outstanding revenues of the ITA


Nezavisne novine: For eleven months this year has the Indirect Taxation Administration (ITA) of BiH collected to the single account five billion and 375 million KM, which is outstanding revenue and it is predicted that the planned annual revenue will be surpassed, has been notified yesterday from the ITA BiH. From the stated sum, 825 […]

Projects from the IPA funds have been exempted from the VAT


Dnevni list: The Management board of the Indirect Taxation Administration of BiH at the yesterday’s session in Sarajevo has given its consent on Changes and Amendments of the Law on the VAT, by which the projects of financial assistance of the EU to BiH over the Instrument of Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) are being exempted from […]

Higher salaries of delegates and ministers


Dnevni avaz: The Federal Minister of Finances, Vjekoslav Bevanda did not want to comment the yesterday’s adoption of changes and amendments of the Law on Rights of Elected Officials, Bearers of Executive Functions and Advisors in the Institutions of the Government of the FBiH, by which a new way of paying of the salaries has […]

Guillotine for more than 1.000 laws and regulations


Dnevni avaz: In the Federation of BiH there are currently more than thousand laws, rulebooks, regulations and decisions which have lapsed or are unchangeable. This mess is a result of the change of political systems which have been adopting their laws, while “forgetting” to erase the old solutions. Duplication of laws In order to stop […]

The Presidency of BiH has rejected the budget proposal for 2009


The Presidency of BiH has yesterday adopted the budget proposal of BiH institutions for 2009, has been notified by Nebojša Radmanović, chairman of the Presidency, after an urgent session dedicated exclusively to this question. "I have been proposing that the Draft budget, which has been proposed by the Council of Ministers of BiH, we shift […]

Computer training has been finished by 50 candidates


Nezavisne novine: A free training for work on computer in Bosanska Kostajnica has been finished by now by 50 candidates, has been said by Aleksandar Pašić, coordinator of the project of computer education of citizens, which has jointly been implemented by the municipality of Kostajnica and the Government of the RS. “We have a total […]

By better organization to smaller public spending


Nezavisne novine: The public spending in the RS is significantly lower than in the FBiH, but it can be reduced by reorganization of the state administration, has been said by Momir Dejanović, chairman of the Center for Human Politics from Doboj. He has said that the research of this center have shown that the public […]

Treasury business at local level


Oslobođenje: The Deputy Federal Minister of Finance for Treasury Business, Pero Ivošević has yesterday with coworkers held a meeting with the representatives of towns and municipalities from the FBiH.  The topic of the meeting was the upcoming introduction of the treasury business at the local level. “The local communities will have to relate towards the […]

To connect the master offices in BiH


Nezavisne novine: The master offices in BiH need to be electronically connected, which would disable the misuse by issuing the personal documents, has been warned by Sredoje Nović, Minister of Civil Affairs of BiH. At the last session of the House of Representatives of the BiH Parliament, where the analysis of condition in former CIPS […]

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