Checking the grades over the internet


Dnevni avaz: From the next semester, which begins on February 2nd, in one of the Sarajevo high school and one elementary school there will be inserted a pilot-project "Elektronski dnevnik" (Electronic Registry). It will enable the parents to check the grades or some other school activities of their children online, has been said for "Dnevni […]

Selection of projects by March 26th


Nezavisne novine: The governments of BiH have not yet agreed on the project ideas for using of around 90 million Euros from the Pre-Accession funds of the EU (IPA) for 2009., even though the finished projects should be passed over to Brussels by March 26th. This has been confirmed by a National Coordinator for the […]

Remunerations to the members of the commissions


Nezavisne novine: The Council of Ministers of BiH will re-impose paying the remunerations for members of the commissions, management and supervisory boards formed by the Institutions of BiH. This has been confirmed by the chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH, Nikola Špirić and the Deputy Minister of Justice of BiH, Srđan Arnaut. "We […]

Nobody wants Bologna process-graduates


Nezavisne novine: The rectors of the eight universities in BiH have supported the rulebook on academic professions which should, besides others, enable the employment to the persons who finish the studies by the Bologna process, has been confirmed by Esma Hadžagić, deputy minister of civil affairs. The rulebook has been created several months ago by […]

Monitoring of work of the local governments


Nezavisne novine: The Center of Civil Initiatives (CCI) will in the next two years intensively follow the work of the local government authorities in Banja Luka, Bihać, Bijeljina, Doboj, Foča, Livno, Mostar, Novo Sarajevo, Pale, Široki Brijeg, Travnik, Trebinje, Tuzla and Zenica and it will regularly, in each six months, submit the report to the […]

Jakob Finci officially the Ambassador in Switzerland


Dnevni avaz: The Ambassador of BiH in Switzerland, Jakob Finci has yesterday for "Avaz" confirmed that on last Friday he has submitted the copies of the accreditations to the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and that in only five days, which is very quick, he has received a call to send them to the President […]

Špirić – Executive Director of the DEI


Oslobođenje: The Executive Director of the Directorate for the European Integrations of BiH, while the Civil Service Agency of BiH does not implement the procedure of contest, will be the chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH, Nikola Špirić, has been decided at the yesterday's session of the State Government, after Osman Topčagić has […]

Budget of BiH reduced by 200 million KM


Nezavisne novine: The Parliamentary Commission for finance and budget has yesterday adopted the amendments by which the total budget of BiH is being reduced by 200 million KM, with an increase of the allocations for return of 35 million KM. By a majority of votes the Commission has accepted the amendments which have been agreed […]

Statute book has been promoted


Nezavisne novine: The Statute book “Work legislation of the Brčko District of BiH”, which has been arranged for publishing by a graduated lawyer Siniša Milić, has been promoted yesterday in Brčko, in the frame of its publishing work, by the Union of the District. "The basic process assumption of the law application is their publishing, […]

Dragan Vrankić: Salary payment will not be cancelled


Nezavisne novine: The payment of December's salaries for around 20.000 employed in the Institutions of BiH will not be stopped, even though there are announcements of the Deputy Minister of Finance and Treasury of BiH that he will not sign the dictates for payment because of discrimination of the officials who have a residence in […]

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