Nezavisne novine: The rectors of the eight universities in BiH have supported the rulebook on academic professions which should, besides others, enable the employment to the persons who finish the studies by the Bologna process, has been confirmed by Esma Hadžagić, deputy minister of civil affairs. The rulebook has been created several months ago by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, after the rectors could not agree on its text. It was planned that the rulebook becomes adopted at the last session of the Conference of ministers of education and science of BiH. The rulebook has not been adopted because the session was not attended by all the ministers.

"Besides the fact that the Bologna process graduates should be enabled to get hired, the rulebook should also arrange their classification. In a month we will organize the meeting with the rectors again, after which the rulebook should be adopted", Hadžagić has said.

Due to an inexistence of this rulebook, the employment has been hardened to the persons who finished their studies by the Bologna process, and the employers in a private sector have the possibility to precise on contests what kind of employee they want. In the Employment service of the Canton Sarajevo they say that by now neither employer did not demand to hire a person who graduated by the Bologna system.

"Regarding the fact that the rulebook has not yet been adopted, we cannot classify these persons. In the evidence we only put their occupation and that they have finished by Bologna declaration. Despite of that, we treat them as graduates and recommend them to the employer", we have been told from this service, and by pointing out that they do not have the data on how many employed there are among the graduates by the Bologna process. Neven Akšamija, deputy director of the Civil Service Agency of BiH, says that neither persons who graduated by Bologna system has been hired in the state institutions.

"According to the Law, a person must have at least a year of experience in order to apply for a civil servant. The Ministry of Justice of BiH has proposed the changes and amendments to the Law on Civil Servants. The Council of Ministers will adopt the decision by which it will be prescribed which cycle of education will be wanted for a certain work position", Akšamija has said.