European conditions interpreted differently


Nezavisne novine: The chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH, Nikola Špirić has yesterday said that he will not propose concrete solutions for conditions from the European Partnership, which domestic governments cannot agree on. “It is not my job to propose concrete solutions for problematic questions. There are authorized institutions which need to do […]

The RS Government reduces freezing of salaries as well


Oslobođenje: The Government of the Republic of Srpska has yesterday deliberated the overview of measures for the exemption of negative effects of the world economic crisis on the RS. This document, which contains around 100 measures, will be presented during this week to the Council for Development of the RS, and it has been offered […]

The RS Government: decreasing and freezing of salaries


Oslobođenje: The Government of the Republic of Srpska has yesterday deliberated the overview of measures for moderation of negative effects of the world economic crisis on the RS. This document, which contains around 100 measures, will be presented during this week to the Council for development of the RS, and offered for deliberation to the […]

Only 48% of citizens want to the European Union


Dnevni list: The number of citizens who support the association of BiH with the European Union has drastically decreased in relation to the previous years. According to data of the Strategic marketing, which has done the research on this topic, only 48% of Bosnians and Herzegovinians support the entrance of BiH into the EU. This […]

The Government of the RS has confirmed the Changes of the Law on Republic administration


The Government of the RS has today by an urgent procedure confirmed the Proposal Law on Changes of the Law on Republic administration, by which it has been achieved the accordance of this law with the Law on General Administrative Procedure in a sense of prescribing the possibilities for a complaint against the primary administrative […]

Education of adults required for employment


There is a big number of unemployed in BiH, who do not have the possibility, nor are they interested to educate themselves additionally and attain the new qualifications in order to get employed, has been said today by the post-manager in the European Commission Delegation in BiH, Jadranka Mihić. Today, at the beginning of the […]

Budget of 1.4 billion KM has been adopted


Nezavisne novine: The House of Representatives of the Parliament of BiH has adopted the budget of the Institutions of BiH in a sum of around 1.4 billion KM. The adopted budget is harmonized with the agreement on budget frames agreed in the Fiscal Council of BiH, or it is smaller by about 200 million KM […]

BiH has received its department at the EC


Dnevni avaz: The chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH, Nikola Špirić has yesterday in Sarajevo welcomed the chief of the Department of the European Commission for BiH (EC) Paola Pampaloni and a chief of the European Commission Delegation in BiH, Dimitris Kourkulas. The Ambassador Kourkoulas has introduced Pampaloni, who has visited BiH for […]

Operational plan of implementation of the Social agreement has been deliberated


Oslobođenje: The Economic-Social Council for the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina has on Tuesday deliberated, but has not adopted the operational plan of implementation of the Social agreement and the Program of measures for moderating the consequences of the global economic crisis and improving the business ambient. The reason of not adopting is different standpoints […]

Better dialog needed for using the funds of the EU


Dnevni list: The main secretary of the Council for regional cooperation, Hidajet Biščević in separate conversations with the representatives of the governments of the Republic of Srpska, Milorad Dodik and the Federation of BiH, Nedžad Branković has pointed out a need for a coordinated approach of domestic institutions in the process of approaching the funds […]

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