Dnevni list: The number of citizens who support the association of BiH with the European Union has drastically decreased in relation to the previous years. According to data of the Strategic marketing, which has done the research on this topic, only 48% of Bosnians and Herzegovinians support the entrance of BiH into the EU. This data should be anxious for the Directorate for European Integrations and the BiH governments because the number of people who want into the EU has been parted out since 2006., when the association was supported by 83% of citizens of BiH.

Bosniaks want to the EU the most

This data has been partly confirmed in the surveys of the Directorate for European Integrations as well, because to the question how much it is important to citizens that BiH becomes a member of the EU, 50% of them has answered positively.

The survey has also shown some interesting data when speaking of the mood among particular nations in BiH. So, according to the research of the DEI, Bosniaks mostly care about entering the EU, while Serbs have been interested the least. That the standpoints of all three nations are not equal in all issues, especially those around the EU, has also been shown in the answers to other questions, where they have been generally opposite. The biggest difference in the opinions of Serbs and Bosniaks has been shown regarding the question of role of the BiH Institutions in the integrations.

Institutions do not contribute to the integration

In this research of the Directorate the focus has been put on the role and contribution which the Institutions of BiH have on the path of our country towards Europe. So, 21% of citizens of our country has answered that neither institution in country contributes to the integration of BIH in the EU.

Also, 24% of examinees think that the Presidency of BiH is the most meritorious for the path towards the EU, while the Council of Ministers of BiH is on the second place with around 18% of votes.

Majority of citizens (73%) has a positive or partly positive opinion on the EU, for 28% of them it means the freedom of moving, while for 23% of them, mostly young people, the EU means better future and improvement of the economy.

Balkanians lose their will

That the people of Balkans are tired of empty talks about the EU, also speak the facts that the number of citizens who want to the EU in the countries of region, has also been reduced. Croatia is with only 26% of citizens who are for the EU, the biggest enemy of the European family on Balkans, while Albanians with 83% of examinees who are for the EU, are the best supporters of the EU.

Who is the most meritorious?

According to the implemented research, 24% of examinees think that the Presidency of BiH is the most meritorious for the path towards the EU, while the Council of Ministers of BiH has been on the second place with around 18% of votes.