55 million dollars for local communities


Dnevni avaz: The representatives of the World Bank (WB), in cooperation with the ministers of finance on the state and entity levels and entity councils of towns and municipalities, have yesterday in Banja Luka presented the recommendation from the study "From stability to successfulness: Local administration and providing of services in BiH", which will be […]

BiH at 43rd place by globalization


The fourth year Belgium has been the most globalized country of the world, and Bosnia and Herzegovina takes 43rd place, has been published by the Swiss economic institute KOF from Zurich, which traditionally each year calculates the index of globalization of countries. In its researches the KOF measures the stage of economic, social and political […]

5.7 billion KM collected


Oslobođenje: From January to November last year in the Federation of BiH the total of 5.717 billion KM of public revenues has been collected and distributed, which is ten % or 527.6 million KM more in relation to eleven months of 2007. The biggest part of these revenues -38%- has been allocated for the non-budget […]

Biometric passports from July 1st?


Dnevni avaz: If everything went as planned, the first biometric passports in BiH will be issued on 1st of July, has been confirmed yesterday by Sredoje Nović, State Minister of Civil Affairs, and Siniša Macan, director of the CIPS project. Agency from next week All the stories on biometric passports will not be possible unless […]

Funds do not expect the negative consequences


Nezavisne novine: Even though there is a fear that by reducing the salaries to directors of public companies in the FBiH will come to the significant reduction of an average salary in the FBiH, in the funds of the pension and health care insurance they think that this should not affect their revenues. "That is […]

The most common omission – procurement procedure


Nezavisne novine: Violation of the public procurement procedure is the most common failure in financial business of the institutions and agencies of BiH in 2007., which has been confirmed by the Audit office of the Institutions of BiH, and the Commission for finances and budget of the House of Representatives and the House of Peoples […]

Athletes and diplomats the first owners?


The decision on which category of BiH citizens will in the middle of this year be the first one to receive the testing biometric passports has not been adopted yet, has been confirmed yesterday for "Dnevni avaz" by the State Minister of Civil Affairs, Sredoje Nović. However, in the Ministry we find out that the […]

Economy more successful than administration


Oslobođenje: The public institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina are ponderous and inefficient, the business environment improves itself, but the economy is still in a strong growth.  This is how were seen in 2008. by the European bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), which will today (Thursday) in Sarajevo present the report on transition in last […]

Parliamentarians lift their salaries by about 1.325 KM


Dnevni avaz: The Administrative commissions of the Parliament and the Government of the FBiH have yesterday adopted the decision on increasing the salaries of the representatives of the highest legislative government in bigger entity.   According to explanation of our source, who has been present at the session, salaries of parliamentarians will be calculated in […]

60.224 persons employed in last year


Oslobođenje: During last year from the evidence of the employment services 127.149 persons have been deleted, out of which 60.224 of them have got employed. In the same period 98.222 persons have been registered on the evidence, has been the last data of the federal Employment service. Unemployment per cantons Tuzlanski 85.711 persons or 25,31% […]

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