Vienna imposes free kindergartens


The City of Vienna has decided to make a huge step forward in organization of the city's system of kindergartens and day nurseries by imposing a free stay for children in these institutions. At the press conference, which has been held for this reason, the mayor of Vienna, Michael Häupl, has announced a free stay […]

Around 6.000 children without names


Nezavisne novine: According to estimations of the American government, there is around 6.000 children living in BiH, who do not have a name and whose birth was never registered. "For the majority of those children it is believed that they are of Roma origin. This brings us to many obstacles for those children to access […]

Group of the experts instead of the offices


Nezavisne novine: The chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH, Nikola Špirić has proposed forming the team of experts for the combat against corruption instead of the office for combat against corruption, whose establishment is one of the conditions for progress towards the EU and liberalization of visa regime. "The chairman of the Council […]

Implementation of the “Guillotine of regulations”


Oslobođenje: The Prime Minister of the Federation of BiH, Nedžad Branković has yesterday together with his coworkers met with the chief of the World Bank Office in BiH, Marco Mantovanelli. The topic of this meeting was the implementation of the regulatory reform "Guillotine of regulations" in the FBiH. Prime Minister has introduced his guests with […]

Even 15 million KM for travels of the BiH officials!


Dnevni avaz: The state institutions, 57 of them in total, have spent last year around 15 million KM on travel costs. According to information received in the Ministry of Finance of BiH, in the first ten months under the lot "travel costs" has been spent 12.303.923 KM, which means that more than 1.2 million KM […]

Measures for fight against crisis expected from governments


Nezavisne novine: The officials of the state and entity parliaments have asked the governments to immediately create the action plans for fight against the economic crisis and implementation of priorities for membership in the EU. The officials of the Parliament of BiH, the National Assembly of the RS and the Parliament of the FBiH have […]

There is no BiH among the challenges of the EU


Dnevni avaz: There is no Bosnia and Herzegovina among the key challenges of the European Union in this year at all, according to the estimations of distinctive CLAN Institute from Brussels. The analytics of this institute have created an extensive and studious document on priorities which wait on the Union in 2009., among which are […]

After disabled persons, war veterans get to the streets as well


Dnevni list: It seems that a social mess begins to spread all over the country, which also confirms the data that after the disabled, war veterans should soon get to the streets because of the unpaid remunerations. As it has been confirmed by Mehmed Šišić, chairman of the Association of war veterans of BiH, payments […]

Directors of state companies have maximal salaries of 3.900 KM


Dnevni avaz: By the Law on salaries and other material rights of members of the authorities of coordination of institutions of the FBiH and public companies in major ownership of the FBiH, which has inured by the announcement in the Official Gazette of FBiH, heights of these incomes in federal institutions as are the Privatization […]

In three months – registration of vehicles only with photography


Dnevni avaz: In three months, in the FBiH should start the application of a totally new system of control of work of the stations for technical check of vehicles. Each vehicle will by the obligated technical check be photographed, and without those photographs the documentation on accuracy of vehicle will not be valid. "Economic engineering […]

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