Reduction of earnings by 40 million


Nezavisne novine: The Council of Ministers of BiH will reduce the allocations for salaries and remunerations of employed in state institutions by about 40 million KM, by which the part of obligations taken by the BiH governments during the negotiations on stand-by arrangement with the MMF (International Monetary Fund) will be respected. "We cannot go […]

More than 1.5 million of remained subjects at courts


Dnevni list: The member of the High Tribunal and Prosecution Council of BiH, Slavica Čurić has yesterday said that at the courts of BiH there are more than 1.5 million of remained subjects related to uncontested claims of public companies from citizens of BiH. She has explained that around 60% of those, "communal subjects" have […]

BiH has fulfilled only ¼ of recommendations in combat against corruption


Nezavisne: BiH did not fulfill ¾ of recommendations of the Group of States against corruption (GRECO). Among the not-fulfilled recommendations are: forming of anti-corruption authority in BiH and protection of the officers, who notify corruption, has been written in the GRECO Report on realization of recommendations, which has been adopted by the Council of Ministers […]

Forming the technical inspection “kočnica”


Nezavisne novine: Even though BiH should, according to certain announcements, by October this year, abolish the veto on import of vehicles older than seven years, and freight vehicles and buses older than ten years, the problem will, however, represent the introduction of the technical inspection system at the state level. In the Ministry of External […]

Visa easements between BiH and Norway


Dnevni avaz: Bilateral agreement on visa easements between the Kingdom of Norway and BiH has inured yesterday. This means that the procedures by getting visas have been simplified, and several categories of citizens totally exempted from paying visas, while for other categories the price for visa has been reduced in relation to the usual price […]

FBiH must cut the budgets down by 500 million KM


Oslobođenje: In order to fulfill the conditions on concluding the stand by arrangement with the International Monetary Fund, BiH must reduce its budgets at all levels by at least 696 million KM. That much is the minimum consolidated deficit of the budget in BiH, which has been confirmed by the state Fiscal Council in the […]

Salaries of the officials finally reduced


Dnevni avaz: By the request of the House of Representatives and the House of Peoples of the Parliament of BiH, by the urgent procedure, without any vote against it, yesterday has been adopted the Proposal Law on amendment of Law on Salaries in the Institutions of BiH. According to this law, basis for salary calculation […]

Introducing customs on products from Serbia and Croatia


Nezavisne novine: The House of Peoples of the Parliament of BiH has in first reading adopted the Law on protection of domestic production, by which the customs are being introduced on meat and milk and their products from Serbia and Croatia. Application of this law will start after it gets adopted in its second reading. […]

Free training for 1.500 persons from the employment bureau evidence


Nezavisne novine: The Center for pre-qualification and hiring unemployed persons, which is being opened by the Sarajevo Developmental Agency (SERDA), begins to work in the middle of May. It is expected that the pre-qualification, qualification and different kinds of trainings will be passed by 1.500 persons from the area of Sarajevo macro-region per year. Slaviša […]

Companies from BiH, Slovenia and Germany will make the plates


Dnevni avaz: The Identification Documents, Data Exchange and Evidence Agency (IDDEEA) of BiH has for the best tenderer for drafting of non-personalized registration plates and folios for coloring plates selected the consortium of companies from BiH and Slovenia, ASA – KIG. By this, procedure of selection of all companies, which will be drafting the subjects […]

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