Nezavisne: BiH did not fulfill ¾ of recommendations of the Group of States against corruption (GRECO). Among the not-fulfilled recommendations are: forming of anti-corruption authority in BiH and protection of the officers, who notify corruption, has been written in the GRECO Report on realization of recommendations, which has been adopted by the Council of Ministers of BiH, and it will soon be published on the official website of this organization.  

"We have recommended ensuring the adequate protection of civil servants, who with a good intention notify corruption. BiH governments are reporting that neither kind of steps have been undertaken in order to impose the rules on notifying corruption in public administration and appropriate protection of those, who are notifying it", has been stated in the report.

It has been pointed out that BiH did not even ensure "systematic estimation of effectiveness of anti-corruption strategy and its Action plan by setting up the independent anti-corruption authority with sufficient resources”.

 “GRECO has recommended extending the volume of regulations of the RS on confiscation of indirect revenues from crime. In this sense, the Criminal Code of the RS continues to differ itself from the rest of the country because it does not contain the regulations which allow confiscation of secondary revenues”, has been written in report.

Besides these three recommendations, which BiH did not fulfill at all, majority of other has been implemented only partially. According to the report, the Court of BiH and courts in the FBiH have adopted a small number of verdicts by which the property attained by crime is being confiscated. Training of judges and prosecutors in the application of these legal regulations has partially been realized, as well as the improvement of cooperation between the agencies included in uncovering, investigation and criminal chase of corruption. Recommendation on using the special investigative techniques in uncovering corruption, strengthening the Finance-Intelligence department of the Investigation and Protection Agency, avoiding the conflict of interests by moving of civil servants to the private sector…has neither been implemented totally.

The Council of Ministers of BiH has adopted the information related to this report by obligating all institutions and agencies in BiH to "urgently proceed to realization, whose implementation in GRECO report has been graded as unsatisfying”.  “Results of the implementation of GRECO recommendations are bad, because for realization of significant part of stated conditions there were no political willingness. Without that, it is not possible to realize the priorities. Additional problem is in the fact that the recommendations from this report overlap with the conditions for liberalization of visa regime and progressing towards the EU", has been said by Mijo Krešić, Deputy Minister of Security of BiH.