Salaries lower by 10%, food allowances cut on half


Oslobođenje: Intensive preparations for the rebalance of this year’s budget of the FBiH are current in the Federal Government. At the same time, the Government prepares an intercession law on salaries and remunerations, which do not have a character of salaries of employed in the institutions of the Federation, cantons and municipalities, out-budget funds, directorates […]

In ten days – Laws on abolishment of visas


Nezavisne novine: The Council of Ministers of BiH has obligated departmental ministries to prepare in next ten days agreed proposal laws on border control, control of arming and military equipment, weapons and transport of dangerous substances. Adoption of these laws is a condition for abolishment of visa regime for BiH citizens. "We have obligated departmental […]

Governments will not open public sessions


Nezavisne novine: Neither government in BiH plans to open public sessions, even though the concept of an open government is one of the main conditions for European Integrations. Namely, in the five European requirements towards BiH, when speaking of the public administration reform, first requirement relates to the openness of sessions of governments and publicity […]

Administration advancement


Dnevni list: In the Government of the Brčko District of BiH there has been signed the protocol on electronic exchange of documents between the USAID and the Brčko District. "The USAID’s four-year project "Spira", as a goal has the advancement of issuing the urban consensus and approvals for building, as well as the process of […]

RS: Three new faculties


Oslobođenje: Yesterday, at the University in Banja Luka, there have been officially opened three new faculties; Faculty for Philology, Faculty for Political Science and Mining Engineering Faculty. Therefore, this university now has 16 organizational units, reports Srna. The rector of the University of Banja Luka, Stanko Stanić, has nominated the professor of Serbian language from […]

More revenues from taxes in the FBiH


Nezavisne novine: The Tax Authority of the FBiH has in the first months this year collected 986.98 million KM of revenues from taxes, which is 38.7 million or 4% more in relation to the same period last year. In the structure of collected revenues from taxes the most was collected by the basis of contributions […]

They create the ambient for development of e-business


Dnevni list: The Government of the RS has at its last session adopted the Proposal Law on Electronic Business. By this decision and by adopting the Law on Electronic Document, the Government has began by creating of conditions necessary for successful functioning and development of information society. Srđan Rajčević, director of the Information Society Agency […]

Municipal administrations in serve of citizens


Nezavisne novine: Seven municipalities from the RS are the winners of this year’s certificate ISO 9001:2000, "Quality Management and Quality Assurance", which are being assigned as a proof on qualitative functioning of management system, or leading the affairs in local administration. Certificates have been handed out to municipalities of Zvornik, Šekovići, Srebrenica, Milići, Donji Žabar, […]

Hundreds of KM savings on mobile phone accounts


Dnevni avaz: If we want to believe in realization of measures of saving in BiH, starting from state to municipal government level, realistic conclusion is that by the end of the year we will have huge amounts of unused funds. But, many of those in municipal governments do not believe that this kind of scenario […]

BiH criticized because of the Law on Domestic Production


Nezavisne novine: The European Union is worried because the governments of BiH do not respect the international agreements, has been said yesterday by Boris Iaročević,  head of operations in the EC Delegation in BiH, by commenting the Law on Domestic Production Protection.   "We expect BiH to totally respect the international agreements, which it has […]

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