Meeting of the Temporary Board for Stabilization and Association


The two day meeting of the Temporary Board for Stabilization and Association between BiH and the European Commission begins today in Sarajevo. At this meeting, the progress in implementing the obligations from the Interim Agreement, as well as the general progress in a sense of realization of priorities from the European Partnership will be deliberated, […]

Support for production and dissemination of audio-visual programs on the EU enlargement in Candidate and Potential Candidate countries


The EU has confirmed the European perspective of countries of Western Balkans and Turkey if they fulfill all necessary conditions, but a broad support of public is of a huge significance for sustainability of the enlargement process. Maintaining the momentum of reform processes and credibility of the enlargement policy in candidate and potential candidate countries […]

37.69% of the AP 1 measures fulfilled by the Institutions of BiH


The progress in the implementation of measures from the AP 1 of the Public Administration Reform Strategy in relation to the previous report (April – June 2009) is higher by 1.23% and it now is 37.69%, has been shown by the latest data recorded in the Progress report of monitoring of implementation of measures from […]

Workshop: Project Cycle Management – projects for the PAR implementation


The one-day workshop on principles of project cycle management, and application of those principles in the implementation of projects financed from the Public Administration Reform Fund, has been held on October 27, 2009 in Sarajevo. The workshop, held in the Parliament of BiH building, has been attended by the members of Supervisory teams for implementation […]

Support for the public administration reform


The Minister of Governance and Local Self Governance in the Government of the Republic of Srpska, Zoran Lipovac was a host of the meeting held yesterday, at which the Deputy Minister of Governance, Stojanka Ćulibrk and a Mayor of the Department for Public Administration Reform, Mikan Davidović have talked to Petar Miklič, Key Expert for […]

Workshop “Public Relations and Media Work”


On October 12 and 13, this year, in organization of the British Council, in Sarajevo will be held a workshop for civil servants, called “Public Relations and Media Work” (in a frame of the project “Skills for EU”). The project is being financed by the Government of Great Britain. Focus of the project “Skills for […]

Volonteurope 2009 in Sarajevo


The eighteenth European workshop on volunteerism will be held in Sarajevo from 8th to 11th October. Workshop will be organized by the British organization Community Service Volunteers-CSV, in cooperation with the Organization for European Security and Cooperation in BiH. All volunteers and other interested, who will share their opinions and experiences at workshops, presentations and […]

Communication and Lobbying – importance, planning and implementation


The seminar 'Implementing Communication and Lobbying Campaigns' has been held in the capital of Albania – Tirana, in the period 27 September – 2 October, 2009. Organized by the Regional School for Public Administration (RESPA) and European Institute for Public Administration (EIPA), it gathered civil servants from the countries of the region which are working […]

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