Promotion of the publication “Na putu ka Evropskoj uniji” held


Promotion of publication "Na putu ka Evropskoj uniji" (On the way to the EU), which deals with the research findings on standpoints of citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina towards the EU, has been held yesterday in Sarajevo. Publication has been written by Srđan Puhalo, MA in cooperation with co-authors, Tija Memišević, MA and Nermina Mujagić, […]

Council of Ministers of BiH has adopted the Revised Action Plan 1


At the session 153, held on Tuesday, June 14, the Council of Ministers of BiH has deliberated and adopted the Information on revision of the Action plan 1 of the Public Administration Reform Strategy activities. In the same time, the Council of Ministers of BiH has adopted the Revised Action plan 1 for implementation of […]

Adopted Report on work of the PARCO


The council of Ministers of BiH, at the 145th session, which was held on Thursday, March 10, adopted the Report on Work of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office of BiH for 2010. The Report, among other things, states that during 2010, the activities of the PARCO were focused on preparation of the draft revised […]

Semiha Borovac received the European of the 2011 Award


Semiha Borovac, Public Administration Reform Coordinator in BiH, has received the European of 2011 Award, which is being assigned by the European Movement in BiH, for contributions in the process of the EU integration and improving the image of Bosnia and Herzegovina in international relations. The award has been given to Mrs. Borovac by Mrs. […]

“Training of civil servants for application of information technologies”


At a media conference held today in the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office on the occasion of the start of implementation of the project “Training of Civil Servants for application of information technologies and work on computers”, implementation of IT training for 1600 civil servants from the level of institutions of BiH, the FBiH, the […]

Fourth meeting of the IPA multi-beneficiary Sector Work Group for Public Administration held


The fourth meeting of the IPA multi-beneficiary Work Group for Public Administration, in the frame of the multi-beneficiary IPA programming (MB MIPD 2011-2013), which has been organized by the European Commission – General Directorate for Enlargement, has been held in Danilovgrad in premises of the Regional school for Public Administration (ReSPA), on April 14 and […]

Public Administration Reform – topic “Parliament for Europe”


Bosnia and Herzegovina needs better, not larger bureaucracy; has been concluded today in Sarajevo by the High Representative Valentin Inzko, while speaking at the press conference upon beginning of the second session of the "Parliament for Europe" third cycle, dedicated to the public administration reform in BiH. The High Representative for BiH and the EU […]

Study Visit to Belgium


The Management of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, and the entity coordinators for public administration reform in BiH, deputy coordinator for public administration reform of the RS, assistant secretary of the Government of the FBiH and the coordinator of the Legislation Office – Secretariat of the Government of the BD, within the study trip […]

Session of the Fiscal Council of BiH held


The Fiscal Council of BiH has held its session today in Sarajevo. The Global framework of fiscal balance and policies in BiH for the period 2011 – 2013 and the budgets for 2011 have been the deliberated subjects. The conclusion is that the ministers of finance will continue their conversations in order to come to […]

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