Federal Government: BAM 170,000 for Public Administration Reform


The Federal Government, at the session of 1st June this year, approved allocation from this year’s Budget of the FBiH in the amount of BAM 170,000 to the Public Administration Reform Fund. The funds were intended for implementation of the projects of common interest for all the levels of government in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in […]

State public administration reform coordinator guest of the News on the TV Hayat


Dragan Ćuzulan, state public administration reform coordinator was last evening a guest of the News at 7 on the TV Hayat. The topic of the conversation was public administration reform and implementation of the project Public Private Partnership, which is being implemented through the Public Administration Reform Fund. Regarding the current legal regulations in BiH […]

A session of the JMB PARF was held


The members of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund, at the session of 30 May this year in Brčko, gave agreement to awards of the contracts for two reform projects “Development of electronic trainings for the needs of the civil service / administration in BiH” and procurement of IT equipment for […]

The Law on Public Private Partnership will be adopted at the level of the FBiH


The project of Public Private Partnership, which will be harmonised with the EU standards and the best European practices, is one of the most significant projects and is on the list of priorities of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office in the area of public finance management. – We are half way through the implementation […]

550 civil servants trained


(SARAJEVO, 10 May 2017) The final conference of the project “Building of capacities for combat against corruption in the structures of the civil service in BiH” promoted the Handbook for employees in the civil service / administration for combat against corruption, and certificates were awarded for 31 trainers in this field. The project was financed […]

BH Radio 1 on the project “Building of capacities for combat against corruption in the structures of the civil service in BiH”


The show “Otvoreni studio” of the BH Radio 1, broadcasted this morning, was dedicated to implementation of the project “Building of capacities for combat against corruption in the structures of the civil service in BiH”. The project team leader, Almir Maljević, professor at the Faculty for crime science, criminology and security studies of the University […]

There was a second cycle of training in public policy field on Jahorina


The second cycle of training in the field of public policy development, organised through the project “Capacity Building for Strategic Planning and Policy Development – phase II (SPPD II)”, was held on 25 and 26 April 2017 on Jahorina. Attendees of the training were officers of the ministries and the administrative organisations of Bosnia and […]

Budget for Citizens of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office presented


The public administration reform coordinator Dragan Ćuzulan and the director of the Enterprise Development Agency “Eda” from Banja Luka Zdravko Miovčić presented today the budget for citizens of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, which was published at the website of the PARCO. The budget for citizens is a special version of the budget of […]

The Government of the RS on PAR


The Government of the Republic of Srpska, at the regular 121st session of 20 April 2017 in Banja Luka, adopted the Information on the activities on preparation of the Strategic Framework for public administration reform in BiH. The members of the work groups from the Republic of Srpska are charged with advocating the standpoint during draft […]

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