Municipality of Nevesinje: Registration of company in one day


The citizens of Nevesinje, who want to start a business, will be able to get the approval from the competent municipal authority in just one day. – The procedure of reducing barriers for starting business is one of the key factors for competence of municipalities. The previous manner of registration, which could have lasted over […]

Selling non-registered vehicle no longer possible


Dnevni avaz: The new Rulebook on registration of vehicles in BiH inures on September 28. Several new things have been stipulated in relation to the previous registration of vehicles. As it has been announced, the new system will have protective elements by the European standards. Citizens will face with the new certifications as well. The […]

12th Session of the PAR Fund Joint Management Board


Twelfth session of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund will be held on Friday, October 2nd, 2009, starting at 12 noon, in the Federation of BiH Government building, Ante Starčevića bb, Mostar (I floor – meeting room). The proposed Agenda of the session is: 1. Adoption of the Minutes from the […]

From October 1st – free bio-chemical findings in health care centers of the RS


From October 1st, 2009, all health care centers in the Republic of Srpska will no longer collect the money from bio-chemical findings. The director of the Health insurance fund of the RS, Goran Kljajčin has already sent such request to the directors of all health care centers, and this is just a first step in […]

Mild decrease of credit rating in BiH


BiH has evidenced a mild drop of credit rating of 0.1 point and with its 31.4 points it takes the 108th place on the list of around 180 world countries, has been shown by the research of magazine "Institutional Investor". The list has been created on the basis of survey among economists and analytics of […]

Nevenka Savić – new director of the DEI


The chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH, Dr. Nikola Špirić has received the newly named director of the Directorate for European Integrations (DEI), Nevenka Savić. Špirić has greeted Savić on overtaking the function of the DEI director and has wished a lot of success in her future work. The chairman Špirić has expressed […]

Application “Interactive map of administration” has been updated


The application “Interactive map of administration in BiH” on website of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office has been updated. The content of map, besides others, has been enriched by the information on restrictions of importing the vehicles in BiH, manners of hiring in civil service, post-graduate studies at public universities, as well as the […]

BiH at 48th place by cleanness


Nezavisne novine: BiH has been placed on 48th place by cleanness out of total of 140 world countries, which have been put on the list, while Montenegro has not been graded, even though it is an ecologic country. Researchers of prestigious American Columbia universities have made and published the rang-list, while evaluating on the basis […]

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