Nezavisne novine: BiH has been placed on 48th place by cleanness out of total of 140 world countries, which have been put on the list, while Montenegro has not been graded, even though it is an ecologic country.

Researchers of prestigious American Columbia universities have made and published the rang-list, while evaluating on the basis of so called EPI index, has been divided on 25 categories connected with protection of environment – from quality of air and water, over development and representation of various kinds of plants and animals, to the usage of pesticides.

First place belongs to Switzerland, while Norway, Sweden, Finland, Costa Rica, Austria, New Zealand, Latonia, Columbia and France are among the first ten.

Croatia takes 20th place, Slovenia 15th, Hungary 23rd, Italy 24th, Albania 25th, while Serbia and Montenegro have not been included in this research, out of some unknown reasons.