BiH has evidenced a mild drop of credit rating of 0.1 point and with its 31.4 points it takes the 108th place on the list of around 180 world countries, has been shown by the research of magazine "Institutional Investor".

The list has been created on the basis of survey among economists and analytics of the biggest world’s banks and societies for money management, which assign each country a grade from 0 to 100, where the highest grade represents the smallest possibility of bankruptcy.

When speaking of the former Yugoslavia countries, Montenegro has improved its credit rating by 1.3 points and has taken the 85th place (with 40.8 points), while Serbia and Croatia lead with 42.3 or 55.8 points. Credit rating of Serbia has increased in relation to the March list by 1.6 points and it takes the 84th place, while Croatia’s rating has been reduced by 1.8 points, and it now takes the 61st place. Rating of Macedonia has fallen down as well by 0.6 points, while the best credit rating has Slovenia, which with its 82.6 points takes place among the 20 countries minimally threatened by bankruptcy and has a better rating than Hong Cong, Ireland and Italy.

At the top of the list there is Switzerland with 92.8 points, Luxemburg with 92.6 and Norway with 92.5 points. Credit rating of Albania has increased by 4.7 points and it is among the six countries with the biggest growth of rating in the previous six months, reports portal ekapija.