Who does not accept BiH, can forget about Europe


Dnevni avaz: Head of the European Commission (EC) Delegation in BiH, Dimitris Kourkoulas will open today the new office of the Delegation in Sarajevo. In conversation for the "Dnevni avaz" on that occasion, he said that that event came in time of disturbing events on the BH political scene. I am disturbed by the fact […]

List established


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – Ad hoc commission of the BH Parliament established a list of candidates for ombudsman. This was confirmed by the Commission member, Dušanka Majkić. “In interviewing of candidates, active participation was taken by the representatives of the OHR and of the OSCE as well”, she said, adding that by the beginning of […]

Public call for application of projects


Nezavisne novine: BANJALUKA – Ministry of finances of the RS published yesterday a public call for application of projects for financing from the economic-social component of the Development programme of the RS from 2007 to 2010. As the release of the Ministry states, public call will be opened until July 2nd, and applications are to […]

There are less and less unregistered workers


Nezavisne novine: BANJALUKA – The number of unregistered workers in the RS is smaller every year. This was released from the Republic Administration for Inspection Affairs. Mira Bošnjak, the head republic inspector of work and protection at work, said that, although the number of unregistered workers is unknown, it is reliably known that it is […]

Without the reform, sinking of the budget of the FBiH


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – The Government of the FBiH today in Sarajevo organizes a conference on reform of veteran-social provisions which in the FBiH are being received by around one million inhabitants. This was announced yesterday by the prime minister of the FBiH, Nedžad Branković. "These provisions are a true problem of all the levels […]

Building guarantees for the new building of the Council of Ministers are expiring


Dnevni avaz: Completely restored building of the former Executive Council, in which the Council of Ministers of BiH should move in, remains empty although all the works have been ended more than one month ago. Representatives of both Houses of the Parliament of BiH officially requested from the executive authority to finally move out of […]

Lipovac member of the Permanent Committee of the Council of Europe


Nezavisne novine: BANJALUKA – Zoran Lipovac, minister of administration and local self governance of the RS, was elected member of the Permanent Committee of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe. This was released yesterday from this ministry. The release adds that Perica Rajčević, president of the Board for European […]

The Government of the FBiH illegally appointed directors of prisons


Dnevni avaz: By appointment of seven directors and deputy directors of penal institutions in the FBiH, the Federal Government broke the Law on the Civil Service Agency. Instead of public vacancy, expert evaluation of candidates and other evaluation procedures, for the directors were appointed persons proposed by the minister of justice of the FBiH, Feliks […]

Municipal services in local offices


Nezavisne novine: PRNJAVOR – Services offered by the officers in the counter hall of the Municipality of Prnjavor, the citizens of this municipality can now receive also in the local offices in Šibovska, Potočani, Donji Vijačani and Štrpci. In these offices new equipment has been installed, computers were connected with the base in Prnjavor and […]

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