Dragan Ćuzulan for Focus: Institutions are reluctant to publish information about salaries


Although public administration should be transparent and open to the public, numerous institutions in BiH are not ready to share information or do so only partially. The survey, which has been conducted by the Coordinator for Public Administration Reform in BiH for years, has shown that they are particularly reluctant to publish financial data, including […]

A workshop was held on the topic “Analysis and monitoring of human resources”


Representatives of the Office of the Coordinator for Public Administration Reform Enida Šeherac-Džaferović, Emina Dervišević-Zvizdić and Nadina Dilberović participated in the workshop on HR analysis and monitoring organized by SIGMA in coordination with the Delegation of the European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The workshop was realized in a hybrid format from May 25 to […]

The dialogue at the technical level on public administration reform has been completed


In the continuation of the second part of the sixth meeting of the Special Group for Public Administration Reform between the EU and BiH, which was held today in a hybrid format, it was discussed on the implementation of the Strategy and Action Plan for Public Administration Reform in BiH, civil service and human resources […]

Action plan for the implementation of the EU Accession Communication Strategy


The Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the session held on February 23, 2023, among other things, adopted the Action Plan for the implementation of the Communication Strategy of BiH institutions on the process of accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the European Union – from candidate status to membership in 2023. Previously, […]

Aspiration towards Quality – a new cycle of the CAF self – assessment at Public Administration Reform Coordinator’ Office started


The Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office has started implementing the third cycle of self -assessment by the CAF 2020 model. Namely, with the help of the Regional School of Public Administration (ReSpa) and the Center for Public Policy Research – KDZ Austria, employees of PARCO will be supported on their way to improving the work […]

The Municipality Centar presented the project “E-bebe” to the Delegation of the European Union


Representatives European Union Delegation in Bosnia and Herzegovina Karel Lizerot, Florian Houser, Giulio Crespi, Taru Kernisalo, Dominika Sikorska and Jelena Maksić visited the Municipality Centar. On this occasion, Mayor Srđan Mandić and Assistant for General Administration Jasna Beba presented to them the “E-bebe” project, which the Municipality Centar has been successfully implementing since November 2021. […]

Bosnia and Herzegovina and the EU continue talks on Public Administration Reform


The Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted the Information on holding the 6th meeting of the Special Group for Public Administration Reform between the European Union (EU) and Bosnia and Herzegovina, with an amendment at the session. In cooperation with the competent institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the competent services of the […]

The slow digitization of public administration helps the development of corruption in Bosnia and Herzegovina


Digitization of public administration significantly reduces the possibilities of corruption in relation to the economy and institutions, but regardless of all the positive effects, Republika Srpska and the Federation of BiH have been delaying doing so for years. This conclusion can be drawn from the available information, which indicates that these processes are mostly carried […]

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