Ćuzulan welcomed the proposal of the Civil Service Law


In a statement to Radio Sarajevo, the coordinator for public administration reform, Assoc. Dr. Dragan Ćuzulan said that we can be satisfied that the proposal for amendments to the Law on Civil Service will go into procedure at tomorrow’s session of the House of Representatives of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly. Ćuzulan particularly emphasized the importance […]

Representatives of the Municipality of Novo Sarajevo interested in the e-bebe project


State Coordinator for Public Administration Reform PhD. Dragan Ćuzulan, expert adviser for information technology and service delivery Sabahudin Suljević and expert associate for information technology Marija Agatić held a meeting with the mayor’s assistant of the Municipality of Novo Sarajevo, with the assistant of general administration Azira Manov Pandža, the mayor’s assistant for joint affairs […]

Dragan Ćuzulan: We must revise the existing Action Plan for the reform of public administration, and in this direction we have the full support of the European Commission


State Coordinator for Public Administration Reform Dragan Ćuzulan spoke for the e-bilten of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, in which, among other things, he referred to the meeting of the Special Group for Public Administration Reform, as well as the formation of a political body that should manage the reform of public administration. The […]

Public administration reform: Why is the digitization process stalling in Bosnia and Herzegovina and citizens are still standing in front of the counters


Public administration reform coordinator Dragan Ćuzulan told Faktor that the fact is that some institutions are stagnating in terms of transparency in the publication of 38 types of information, including financial, organizational, strategic and operational information, public procurement, public consultations and freedom of access to information. -These are the Regulatory Board of Railways of BiH, […]

State coordinator for public administration reform Dragan Ćuzulan participated in the round table “Transparency of the decision-making process in BiH”


State coordinator for public administration reform Dragan Ćuzulan participated in a round table entitled “Transparency of the decision-making process in BiH” organized by Transparency International BiH, where he presented data from the results of research on the fulfillment of standards on proactive transparency among the state institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Ćuzulan mentioned that out […]

Ćuzulan and Ćužić: It is necessary to work even more intensively and systematically on the promotion of standards and principles of proactive transparency


Previous research shows that public institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina have taken a significant step towards transparent and responsible public administration. Nevertheless, it is necessary to work even more intensively and systematically on the promotion of standards and principles of proactive transparency, with maximum engagement of all relevant actors, including public institutions, civil society, donors, […]

Dragan Ćuzulan for Focus: Institutions are reluctant to publish information about salaries


Although public administration should be transparent and open to the public, numerous institutions in BiH are not ready to share information or do so only partially. The survey, which has been conducted by the Coordinator for Public Administration Reform in BiH for years, has shown that they are particularly reluctant to publish financial data, including […]

The dialogue at the technical level on public administration reform has been completed


In the continuation of the second part of the sixth meeting of the Special Group for Public Administration Reform between the EU and BiH, which was held today in a hybrid format, it was discussed on the implementation of the Strategy and Action Plan for Public Administration Reform in BiH, civil service and human resources […]

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