In procedure are laws which are endangering the FBIH


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – Several laws which are in the FBiH adopted or are in procedure will not be possible to implement because of great financial obligations, said yesterday Vjekoslav Bevanda, the Minister of Finances in the Government of the FBIH. “Recently the Law on additional rights of demobilised defenders was adopted, for which nobody […]

State agencies influenced by politics


Dnevni avaz: After the Council of Ministers of BiH several days ago established the Law on Salaries and Remunerations of the employees of the institutions of BiH, and directed it in the parliamentary procedure, sharp reactions ensued from those who are not satisfied with this solution. According to Svevlad Hofman, vice president of the Union […]

Diplomas received by 210 civil servants


In the Hall of the “Energoinvest” 210 civil servants yesterday received diplomas for successful completion of the ECDL education (European Computer Driving Licence), i.e. the programme for certification of computer literacy. The project started on October 22nd, 2007, and lasted for three months, and it was implemented by the Sarajevo Regional Development Agency (SERDA) in […]

Špirić: Encourage BH politicians


Nezavisne novine: The laws on establishment of seven new police bodies on the state level do not represent the police reform, but only its first step. This was said yesterday in Brussels by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Nikola Špirić, at the meeting with the political directors of the Peace Implementation Council in […]

Nikola Špirić, in Brussels addressed to the Management Board of the PIC.


Špirić, in his address to the Management Board of the Peace Implementation Council in Brussels, stated that the condition in BiH is now significantly better in comparison with the situation at the time of the last session of the PIC, and that the Council of Ministers of BiH is determined for further integration of BiH […]

Better services to citizens


Nezavisne novine: TREBINJE, PELAGIĆEVO – On the occasion of successful completion of the project of public administration reform, municipalities of Trebinje and Pelagićevo yesterday received their diplomas. Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Trebinje, Jovo Vlatković, said hat the project was realized with the OSCE Mission, and was related with efficient and quality system of […]

Decisions on public expenditure will be executive for all


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – Decisions of the Fiscal Council of BiH on the amount of public expenditure will be executive for state and entity authorities. This was confirmed to the “Nezavisne” in the Ministry of Finances of BiH. “The Law on Fiscal Council of BiH obligates the executive authority, i.e. the entity governments and the […]

For strengthening of 56 municipalities, 30 million dollars


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – Second phase of the Governance Accountability Project (GAP), 30 million dollars worth, was started yesterday by official accession of 15 more BH municipalities to this programme, whose goal is strengthening of the local community. The GAP Programme will last until 2012, and it is financed by the American agency for international […]

Salaries by unified law


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – The Council of Ministers of BiH established yesterday the proposals of the laws on Fiscal Council of BiH and on Salaries in Institutions of BiH. That was confirmed after the session by Nikola Špirić, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH. “We established the drafts of two very important […]

Topčagić: We can sign the agreement with the EU in April


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – The Stabilisation and Association Agreement between BiH and the EU could be signed in April this year, if the BiH parliament adopts the set of laws on the police reform. This was said yesterday by  Osman Topčagić, director of the Directorate for European Integrations. “If we adopt the laws on the […]

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