The Government of the Federation of BiH: Only 2 million KM in reserve


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – For the first six months of this year, the Government of the Federation of BiH has spent 35 million KM out of the current reserve of 37,4 million KM. This is stated in the report which has been accepted by the Government of the Federation of BiH. 21,5 millions KM has […]

Regulations of the European Union only in Bosnian language


Dnevni avaz: Bosnia and Herzegovina is getting ready for the beginning of translating the acquis communautaire of the European Union, which is one of the most complicated obligations and the most difficult technical works of BiH on the European path. The Directorate for European integrations of BiH is already working on the preparation of this […]

More than 4,7 millions KM spent on salaries


Dnevni avaz: For the salaries of representatives of the governments of BiH and other employees in state institutions this month has been spent more than 4,7 million KM from the budget. Small corrections This has been result of changing the Law on salaries and remunerations in BiH, which has been approved two months ago, regardless […]

Hundreds of Ministers are not subject of sanctions


Dnevni avaz: Adopting the Law on conflict of interests on level of the Federation of BiH is only one of the urgent tasks which the High Representative, Miroslav Lajčak dictated during the meeting with the federal Prime Minister, Nedžad Branković. Mr. Lajčak did not mention any concrete case of some officials in the Government of […]

Progress in the Public Administration Reform has been achieved


According to data from the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, the progress in BiH in this area for the period from 31st December 2007 to 31st March 2008 has been visible. This is one of the conclusions of report on tracking the process of public administration reform, which was created by the Center for Humane […]

Progress in the Public Administration Reform has been achieved

19/08/2008 According to data from the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, the progress in BiH in this area for the period from 31st December 2007 to 31st March 2008 has been visible. This is one of the conclusions of report on tracking the process of public administration reform, which was created by the Center for […]

Population census will cost 20 million Euro


Dnevni avaz:  If by the end of this year politicians agree to organize the population census in our country in 2011, there is a chance to do it. If the agreement is not reached on time, the chances of preparing everything on time are small. Preparations for population census take three to four years. We […]

Federal Counters are being filled by Sarajevo, Tuzla and Zenica


Dnevni avaz: Complaints about the budget of the FBiH and careless relation to the cantons with the Croatian majority have been repeated. While we are getting closer to the local election, these complaints are getting more and more attention, and they were also a reason for making a special analysis of revenues and expenditures in […]

An initiative for faster adoption of European Laws in the Parliament of BiH


Nezavisne novine: The Parliament of BiH will not cancel individual and form the collective commissions of the both houses because of restricting procedure for adoption of the laws required for the integration of BiH in the EU, has been confirmed by Beriz Belkić, deputy speaker of the House of Representative of the Parliament. Initiative for […]

Establishing the system for data exchange of is late


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – BiH is late in establishing an effective system of coordination and exchange of data between police agencies in country, which is one of the requirements for liberalization of visa regime for citizens of BiH. This has been confirmed by Samir Rizvo, chief of negotiating team for liberalization of visa regime. “The […]

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