The Government without the September salary


Dnevni avaz: the Supervisor for Brčko, Raffi Gregorian has yesterday issued the order by which the members of the Government of the District are being financially penalized by one-month salary because they have not adopted the draft of the budget in a deadline which has been stated by the Statute of the District. Just yesterday […]

By strategic planning into the European Union


Dnevni avaz׃ Strategic plans of municipalities in BiH should be unified, which will enable the local communities to be the partners on their way to the EU, has been said by Radomir Kezunović, president of the Alliance of Municipalities and Towns of the RS. Representatives of the Alliance of Municipalities and Towns of the RS, […]

Nationality is not required for census


Nezavisne novine: Ethnic or national background of citizens is not required question during the population census in the signatory countries, candidates and potential candidates for membership in the EU. This has been announced yesterday by Pierre Myrel, director of the General Directorate for expansion at the European Commission. "The Council of the EU and the […]

BiH should not wait for the last moment for fulfillment of obligations


Dnevni avaz: Bosnia and Herzegovina on the basis of obligations from the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with the European Union must abolish the veto on import of vehicles older than seventy years from the EU, has been confirmed in conversation for “Dnevni avaz” by director of Directorate for expansion of the EU on the […]

The Government establishes the fiscal coordination authority


Dnevni avaz: Because of the coordination of the fiscal activities in the FBiH and preparation of scope which the federal representatives will represent in the Fiscal Council of BiH, the Government of the FBiH will adopt the regulation by which the fiscal coordination authority of the FBiH will be established. This authority will consist of […]

Soon decision on ratification of the SAA


Nezavisne novine׃ Solution for the problem of ratification of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with the EU has been found yesterday, after the “Dnevni avaz” has found out the scandalous information that the ratification has been stuck because of copying the big number of samples. The Council of Ministers has decided to flank the […]

Vrankić chairman of the MB IPA


Nezavisne novine: The chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH, Nikola Špirić has yesterday convoked the constitutional session of the Management Board for Coordination of the Pre-Accession Assistance of the EU (IPA), on which the State Minister for Finance Dragan Vrankić has been nominated for the chairman of this board, has been announced from […]

BiH is the only candidate for impermanent membership in the Security Council


BiH is the only candidate for impermanent member of the Security Council of the UN after Poland has withdrawn its candidacy. Acceptance of BiH into the Security Council for the period from 2010 – 2011 is expected in the next session of the General Assembly of the UN.   The Government of Poland has decided […]

USAID support to the economic, democratic and social progress of BiH


The Government of the US, through the American agency for international development (USAID), has by now ensured more than billion dollars for the support to the economic, democratic and social progress of BiH, the director of the USAID of the Department for economic restructure, Greg Vitala has said, transfers the portal According to him, […]

For the work of civil servants, citizens give a billion and 427 million KM


Dnevni avaz: For the salaries and remunerations of the administration in the FBiH, this year will be spent the unbelievable billion and 427 millions KM. This is the data which has been found by "Dnevni avaz" in the Ministry for Finance of the FBiH. This sum of money is ensured by the citizens, through paying […]

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