Administration decisively against lower salaries


Dnevni avaz: After Gavrilo Grahovac, Deputy Prime Minister of the FBiH has confirmed that the decision on reducing the salaries in administration in the FBiH by 20% has been adopted, an expected reaction of Salih Kruščica, chairman of the Union of civil servants and authorities of administration, judicial government and public institutions in the FBiH, […]

Financial crisis will not affect BiH


Dnevni list: The global financial crisis will not affect BiH because it has a stable banking and financial sector, is an opinion of the Minister of Finance and Treasury of BiH, Dragan Vrankić. Minister claims that “the stories of some of us, who used public platforms to scare nation and businessmen by financial crisis, will […]

First in the world: Estonians will vote by a mobile phone in 2011


The Estonian Parliament has accepted the Law which on elections in 2011 stipulates a possibility of voting by a mobile phone, by which Estonia will become the first country in the world, in which the voters will be able to elect their representatives through a mobile device. At the last year's parliamentary elections, Estonians were […]

Franchises to poor and unemployed


Nezavisne novine: Persons from BiH who receive a social assistance, unemployed and children without parental custody, will have a free legal assistance in civil procedures. This has been stipulated by the Draft Law on Free Legal Assistance, which has yesterday been confirmed by the Council of Ministers of BiH. "Providing of legal assistance will be […]

Budget 1.56 billion KM


Nezavisne novine: The Government of the FBiH has at the yesterday's continuation of the session confirmed the Draft budget of the FBiH for the next year in the amount of 1.56 billion KM, which is by 270 million KM smaller than in this year, has been notified from the Government of the FBiH. "By the […]

Municipalities are of a key importance for success of the Euro-Integrations


Dnevni avaz: 142 municipalities of BiH are of a key significance for success of the efforts BiH contributes in the process of the European integrations, has been said yesterday by the High Representative Miroslav Lajčak, by opening the conference "To understand the EU: Challenge for the local government" in the Sarajevo hotel "Radon Plaza". Parliament […]

Because of the exemptions the tax will not be paid by 60% of employed


Dnevni avaz: According to the estimate of the Ministry of Finance of the FBiH and the Federal Tax Administration, more than 60% of employed citizens, using the exemptions will not be obligated to pay the tax has been announced yesterday in Mostar, during the education of the tax officers upon beginning of the application of […]

Slovenia has ratified the SSA between the EU and BiH


ONASA: The Slovenian Parliament has tonight at the special session ratified the Stabilization and Association Agreement of BiH with the EU. This document the EU has signed with BiH on 16th of June, in the time of Slovenian presidency, and in October it has been ratified by the European Parliament as well. Slovenia is among […]

150 million KM for “”


Nezavisne novine:  The project of computerization of all institutions in the FBiH, called "", which implies their connecting through the internet, will cost more than 150 million KM, “Nezavisne novine" finds out from the sources close to the Government of the FBiH. According to the information which has been adopted at the session last week […]

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