BiH needs urgent public administration reform?


Yes – voted 78% of the viewers of the “'News Plus” broadcast of the television station Alfa, showed on January 22nd, 2008 at 19.15 hours. The show was dedicated to the public administration reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the guest was Nevenka Savić, the state coordinator for public administration reform. Referendum question of the […]

Conference: “BiH foreign trade policy – starter of development”


A Conference entitled “B&H foreign trade policy – starter of development” was held on January 22nd, 2007 in Sarajevo. It was organized by the European Union Project for development of trade policy and capacities in B&H (EUTPP) in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of B&H. The Conference was attended by […]

Lecture at the Faculty for Public Administration


As a result of cooperation between the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office in BiH and the Faculty for Public Administration, management of the Office visited the Faculty on December 26, 2007 as lecturers. On that occasion they held a lecture on the Public Administration Reform in BiH. The lecture gathered over 60 students who, with […]

Presentation of National Coordinator – a Workshop on Performance Accountability and Integrity


A Workshop on Performance Accountability and Integrity was held in Mostar, on December 4-6, 2007. The organizers of this event were the World Bank Institute (WBI) in partnership with the Government of Austria and Bosnia and Herzegovina Council of Ministers. The aim of the workshop was to introduce participants to performance-based accountability and oversight when […]

Study trip to Berlin


Germany – functional state with complex system Management and expert advisors of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office participated in a study trip to Berlin from December 16 to 2007, which was organised by the Technical Assistance Team to the Office. The programme of the study trip comprised of series of visits to legislative and […]

‘Strategic Planning and Coordination in the Centres of Government’ – meeting of the Secretaries of the CoM, Governments of RS, FBiH and BD


Within the Twinning project “Strategic Planning and Coordination in the Centres of Government“, which was financed by the European Union, on December 10, 2007 in Brčko was held a meeting of the Secretaries of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, entity governments and the Government of the Brčko District of BiH. Besides the […]

Media Promotion of the website


In order to promote the Public Administration Reform in BiH, as well as its own activities, the Public Administration Reform Coordinator's Office organised a media promotion of the redesigned web site. Promotion was held on November 20 2007 in the Obala Meeting point, Cinema Theatre, with the presence of the representatives of the institutions of […]

Notice: The results of the written test for Open competition


JAVNI OGLAS ZA PRIJEM PRIPRAVNIKAURED / KANCELARIJA KOORDINATORA ZA REFORMU JAVNE UPRAVEPRI KABINETU PREDSJEDAVAJUĆEG VIJEĆA / SAVJETA MINISTARA BIH Rezultati pismenog testiranja kandidata koje je održano dana 08.11.2007.godine. Tabela 1: Lista kandidata koji su položili pismeni test i pozivaju se na usmeni razgovor, zajedno sa brojem bodova koje su ostvarili na pismenom testu i terminom […]

Conclusions of the Third Workshop of Social Integrity


Main topic of the third 'Workshop of Social Integrity', held on November 9, 2007, was the comprehensive strategic approach to the struggling corruption, which undermines clear coordination mechanisms, and monitoring and evaluation of implementation of planned measures. The aim was to offer analytical retrospective view on previous approach in planning and implementation of Strategy and […]

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