Twelfth session of the PARF JMB held


At the session held on Friday in Mostar, members of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund have adopted the Report on Evaluation of Public Procurement of Services for Implementation of the Project “Training of Civil Servants for Application of Information Technologies and Work on the Computers” with the proposal of measures […]

Council of Ministers of BiH: All obligations from the Road Map fulfilled


At today’s session, the Council of Ministers of BiH has adopted the Strategy for suppressing of money laundry and financing terroristic activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Action plan for its implementation for the period from 2009 to 2013, has been notified from the Information service of the Secretary General.The ministers have approved the […]

Internal communication training completed


In a frame of the project “Establishment of info stands network”, the training on internal communication for civil servants of the Council of Ministers, entity governments and the Government of the Brčko District of BiH has been completed in September. The servants, who work in the affairs of public relations and institutional communication in the […]



Direkcija za evropske integracije obavijestila je  o mogućnosti prijavljivanja za učešće na seminaru LEGISLATION. Seminar organizira Matra Training for European Cooperation- MTEC iz Holandije. Seminar će se održati u periodu od 23. novembra do 4. decembra 2009. u Hagu, Holandija. Ciljna grupa za ovaj seminar su državni službenici (oni koji su direktno uključeni u procese […]

The ‘GO PROCURE’ Project’s Management Board meeting held


The first meeting of the Management Board of 'Development of Information System for Public Procurement Notices (GO PROCURE)' Project has been held on September 17, 2009 in Sarajevo, at the European Commission's Delegation premises. The Inception Report of the Project, which is being implemented by SRC Ltd, and InfoDom, Ltd, was discussed at the meeting. […]

Workshops for strategic planning and development of public policies


In the frame of the implementation of project “Strengthening BiH capacities for strategic planning and development of performance policies – SPPD”, on September 23 and 24 for the sector of energetic, on September 29 and 30 for the transport sector and on October 1st and 2nd for the sector for labor and employment, in the […]

12th Session of the PAR Fund Joint Management Board


Twelfth session of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund will be held on Friday, October 2nd, 2009, starting at 12 noon, in the Federation of BiH Government building, Ante Starčevića bb, Mostar (I floor – meeting room). The proposed Agenda of the session is: 1. Adoption of the Minutes from the […]

Nevenka Savić – new director of the DEI


The chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH, Dr. Nikola Špirić has received the newly named director of the Directorate for European Integrations (DEI), Nevenka Savić. Špirić has greeted Savić on overtaking the function of the DEI director and has wished a lot of success in her future work. The chairman Špirić has expressed […]

Application “Interactive map of administration” has been updated


The application “Interactive map of administration in BiH” on website of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office has been updated. The content of map, besides others, has been enriched by the information on restrictions of importing the vehicles in BiH, manners of hiring in civil service, post-graduate studies at public universities, as well as the […]

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