Joint Comitee for European Integration about Public Administration Reform


Political managing of the public administration reform process is significantly absent, said Mr. Suad Musić, Deputy BiH Public Administration Reform Coordinator at the Session of the Joint Comitee for European Integration of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH held today in Sarajevo. Progress Report of the Public Administration Reform Strategy has been also discussed at this […]

Education for Public Relations Officials of the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Council of Ministers of BiH and the Brčko District held


Education for Public Relations Officials of the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Councils of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Brčko  District was held in Sarajevo. It is being implemented as a part of the project of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator's Office (PARCO). Project implementer is Prime Communications Agency, […]

Head of Council of Ministers awarded acquis communitaire to the Directorate of European Integration


Head of Council of Ministers, Mr. Nikola Šprić, awarded today translations of acquis communitaire to the Head of Directorate of European Integration, Mrs. Nevenka Savić. Acquis communitaire was given to Nikola Špirić at conference in Slovenia by prime minister of Croatia, Mrs. Jadranka Kosor. The chairman Špirić expressed his expectation that activities in the process […]

Civil Service Agency of BiH in the regional project for development of capacities for E-Government.


As a part of Regional Centre for Public Administration Reform (RC PAR) Civil Service Agency of BiH in cooperation with Agency for Public Officials of Rebuplic Macedonia, Centre for e-Development of Government of Slovenia, e-Government of Estonia and Investigate-Educational Centre for e-Governemnt of Technical University in Sofia has prepared proposal of multinational acitivity which will […]

Third SIGMA Networking Seminar Held


Public Administration Reform is not a science. It is directly linked to a historic development of a state, administrative tradition as well as its political process. Every state has its own realities, problems and solutions and because of that a key for successful public administration reform does not exist, but there are positive trends, standards […]

Institutions of BiH have implemented 39.07 % of measures


The Institutions of BiH have until December 31st, 2009 fulfilled 39.07 % of measures of the Action Plan 1 of the Public Administration Reform Strategy in BiH. The annual progress report of monitoring of implementation of the Action plan 1 of the Public Administration Reform Strategy, which has been adopted by the Council of Ministers […]

Contract for realization of project “Training of civil servants for public relations” has been signed


Today in Sarajevo the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office in BiH has signed the contract on service procurement for realization of project “Training of civil servants for public relations” with the Prime Communications d.o.o. from Banja Luka. The project encompasses providing training services in a segment of public relations, development of necessary handbooks and procedures, […]

Realization of project in the reform area of HRM has started


On January 4, 2010 in Sarajevo the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office has signed the contract on providing consultancy services for realization of project “Development of Performance Management System in the Structures of Civil Service in BiH” with the consortium Djikic Consulting Services d.o.o. and Đikić d.o.o. from Sarajevo. Goal of the project is improving […]

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