Activities of defining strategic objectives for MIPD finished


At the begining of March European Commission has started consultations on defining strategic objectives and selection for financial assistance to the Bosnia and Herzegovina in the frame of Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) for the period 2011-2013. Although the MIPD (Multi-Annual Indicative Planning Document) is the document that the Commission approves this time  great importance […]

Strategy of pension system reform withdrew form Parliamentary procedure


Prime Minister of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mustafa Mujezinovic withdrew strategy of reform of the pension system from Parliamentary procedure. The main reason for this decision is because all stakeholders were not enabled to participate at public discussion at the same way not contributing to the overall perception of the situation and finding […]

Seventeenth session of the PARF JMB held


At the session held on July 27 in Sarajevo members of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund have approved the draft of the decision on the award of contracts for the procurement of services for the implementation of the project "Transposition of EU legislation in the legal system of BiH. By […]

The role of NGO sector in the European integration process


Civil society organizations-power of B&H citizens in the EU integration process was a seminar held on Tuesday, April 27 in Sarajevo. The meeting gathered a significant number of representatives from the NGO sector, donors, public sector and media and it was a continuation of promo activities of the TACSO project focusing on the Western Balkans […]

Institutional Communication: Study visit to the Republic of Slovenia


In the framework of the “Training of Public Relations Officers” project, during the period of April 19 to April 23, 2010, a study visit to the institutions of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia was organized. Project cooperation was carried out by acquainting the representative of the Central Unit for Public Relations in Bosnia […]

Performance appraisale – Tools to support the development of civil servants


There is no best European practice to organizing the grading system in the civil service which could be applied to other countries. The experience of private businesses does not provide the best practice because they are of limited value to public administration. According to experts from SIGMA and EUPAR during a roundtable discussion in Sarajevo […]

Workshop on sector approach to EU integration finished


Among most important goals of sector approach to EU integration is adjustment of strategies and spending of donor funds with results. This is one is the main conclusions of three day workshop on sector approach to the EU integration, held from March 22-24 in Sarajevo. Accompanying objectives are increasing sense of ownership over transition in […]

Gregor Virant held lecture


“HRM in Public Service-European dimension and Slovenian experience” was the title of the lecture held on March 26, 2010 in Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This lecture was a third session of HRM forum and organized by the Civil Service Agency of BiH and the HRM Expert Forum of BH institutions. Lecture for public […]

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