Moving towards effective policy dialogue in BiH


Between 16 and 17 September 2010, the Cidi project held its second educational seminar for representatives of government institutions from the state, entity and Brcko District governments. The seminar was entitled “Moving towards effective policy dialogue in BiH“, and took place in Sarajevo. The Cidi project – Capacity building of civil society to take part […]

Draft Law on the registrar book established


The Government of  Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina established the Draft Law on the registrar books in the FBiH at the session held today.  There are a plenty reasons for law adoption. Currently, the actual law on the registrar books registers is from 1994.  Also, new technologies caused new law regulations with the aim of […]

How to improve knowledge about decision-making process in the European Union?


"The process of decision making in the EU and public administration reform in Central and Eastern Europe through the EU accession process" is the name of the seminar held in Sarajevo from September 15-17, 2010. The seminar was organized by  Federal Academy of Public Administration from Germany. Participants were representatives of the Public Administration Reform […]

Almanac of BiH civil sector achievements presented


Printed edition of Almanac of Achievements under the title “Civil Society Organizations – the Power of the Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the European Integration Process” was presented within the Project of Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organizations (TACSO) BiH, financed by the European Union. There are 39 organizations and 12 networks and initiatives […]

43,72 % public administration reform measures implemented


During the first six months of this year, the institutions of administration in the BiH are fullfilled the 4.66% measures of Action Plan I of Public Administration Reform Strategy and overall implementation of the reform measures currently stands at 43.72%. The greatest progress was achieved in the field of Institutional Communications: 58.21% and the lowest […]

The Civil Service Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina has Facebook profile


The Civil Service Agency of BiH is one of the few government institutions in BiH that allows its visitors publishing relevant contents such as announcment, training, to their web sites directly  from the official Civil Service Agency site.    Facebook is a popular online social network that enables its customers to achieve and maintain contact […]

The Council of Ministers should not interfere with the dialogue on visa liberalization


Valentin Inzko, the EU High Representative, Stefan Feller, Head EU Police Mission in BiH Stefan Feller, and Boris Iarochevitch, Charge d'Affaires of the Delegation of the European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina sent a joint letter to the Nikola Špirić, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers regarding the fulfillment of the remaining conditions for […]

The civil service should not be politicized


Valentin Inzko, the EU High Representative and Boris Iarochevitch from the Delegation of the European Union in Bosnia met in Sarajevo the Federation House of Peoples Board and House of Representatives Board to discuss about possible consequences if the FBiH Parliament adopt the proposed amendments to the Law on Civil Service and the Law on […]

43.72% of public administration reform measures have been fulfilled


In the first six months this year the Government institutions in BiH have fulfilled 4.66% of measures from the Action plan 1 of the Public Administration Reform Strategy, therefore the total implementation of reform measures is currently 43.72%. The highest progress has been achieved in the reform area Institutional Communications: 58.21%, and the lowest in […]

Training manager course held


Training manager course was held from June 28-Jule 2 in Tirana and it was organized by European Institute for Public Administration and Regional School for Public Administration (ReSPA). Seminar gathered 20 representatives from public administration institutions and who are in charge for training's coordination. Participants were from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina,  Montenegro, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia […]

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