Will BiH get a more open government?


Measures under the first Action Plan will include the improvement of proactive transparency of government institutions and cooperation with civil society, says the coordinator. Bosnia and Herzegovina has a deadline until the end of August to prepare its first Action Plan for the implementation of the OGP Initiative and send it to the OGP Steering […]

Helen Darbishire: If government is silent, corruption grows


You have been involved as a trainer on proactive transparency in a training workshop for civil servants that has been taking place over the last few days in Sarajevo. Can you tell us more about that? – Basically, we are training civil servants through the Programme for Strengthening Public Institutions with a view to increasing […]

Workshop on Preparation of the OGP Action Plan Held


Workshop on preparation of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Action Plan for the level of BiH was organised in Sarajevo on 27 July 2018 with support of the Programme for Strengthening of Public Institutions in BiH. Following the conclusion of the Advisory Council for Open Government Partnership from the session held 20 June 2018 on Jahorina the representatives […]

Implementation of the project – a contribution to a more transparent personnel management in the civil service


Dragan Ćuzulan, state public administration reform coordinator and Alan Ćatić, director of the Infodom, signed today in Sarajevo the contract on implementation of the project “Upgrade of the Information System in the Civil Service  Agency of the Federation of BiH, the Civil Administration Agency of the Republic of Srpska and the Sub-Department for Human Resources […]

Dragan Ćuzulan elected chairman of the Advisory Council of the OGP Initiative


In Doboj, on 29 and 30 May this year, there was an inaugural session of the Advisory Council of the “Open Government Partnership” initiative, which was attended by the appointed representatives of the government of all the administration levels and four civil society organisations. During the inaugural session, doc. Dragan Ćuzulan, PhD, public administration reform […]

The PARCO, this year as well, drafted the Budget for Citizens


Dragan Ćuzulan, public administration reform coordinator, and Mathias Mühle, manager of the Programme of Strengthening of Public Institutions, presented today at the press conference in Sarajevo the Budget for Citizens of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office for 2018. The Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, the second year in a row, publishes the Budget for […]

“Reforms in BiH – towards an efficient state”


The Legal Institute in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the support of the Embassy of the United States of America in BiH, implements the project “Political Reforms in BiH – reforms for a more efficient state”, whose main objective was to analyse the reforms that were happening so far or were supposed to happen in the […]

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